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Import/export an air pistol from the Netherlands

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:21 am
by SVLichtgeraakt
Dear readers,

I am trying to sell two FWB 103's (match air pistols) in the United States, while I am in the Netherlands. While discussing with some potential customers here I found two problems. First shipping and second legislation. Luckily my shipping company is willing to send air guns to the United States but I am looking for the correct legislation and procedures for sending this gun. According to my shipping company I have to "report" that I send an airgun.

Can anyone tell me:

1: which organizatin supplies those forms? Is it the ATF?
2: what form do I need to fill in?
3: Do you have any idea about the time spend on those procedures?

Best regards,


Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:29 pm
by TomAmlie
The ATF doesn't care about airguns at all, so there is no Federal form.
Some states apparently regulate airguns (Michigan, New Jersey, and perhaps others) so that may be an issue.
I've received airguns from Europe (Germany) and the only forms were customs declarations.

To repeat: the Federal government has no interest whatsoever in air guns.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:47 pm
by peterz
Concur with Tom. Interestingly, there's a few percent duty on air rifles, but none on air pistols!

I imported a gun from Germany in 2010.
