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How about an idea to devide index...

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:05 pm
by Russ
How about an idea to divide the index, Olympic Pistol forum, into two categories?
Olympic pistol for beginers (recreational, hobby, collecting) and Olympic pistol for competitive athletes.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:58 pm
by Spencer
or if divided, more logically between 10/50m (i.e. slow-fire precision) and 25m? Many of the queries do not state the Stage (Precision, RF Stage, RFP) to which their question refers.

I have some sympathy for Russ' proposal - though I doubt that it would solve the problem of newbies trying to incorporate advanced procedures when they have not attained the basics.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:01 pm
by Richard H
It's not that busy that it's so difficult to get through the posts to ones you're interested in.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:09 pm
by peterz
As a newbie I like it the way it is: it lets me listen to the discussions of elite shooters, but it also makes it possible for me ask questions of those great shooters and not get slapped down for my inexperience.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:24 pm
by Russ
Sometimes it is hard to recognize in over 300 posts, the "inexperienced" shooter who is politely asking for advice. ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:37 pm
by Richard H
I have no problem finding them, when I do I click on that little PM button to avoid all the drama. You should try it.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:14 am
by RobStubbs
Sounds like a bad idea to me. How about a forum just for Russ ...?


It is nice to have you Rob in my post.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:02 am
by Russ
Emotionally charged statement.
RobStubbs wrote:Sounds like a bad idea to me. How about a forum just for Russ ...?

For me, it does not matter at all! Since 2007, I do not compete and do not practice.

Incorrect ideas can drastically affect someone’s competitive performance if they do not have a personal coach who is not able to explain the effect of implementations between “NEW Things and Unknown sources of information.

One trip for unsuccessful performance is about $1,000.00. Time to recover is about 1 to 3 months (if someone can recognize what is the actual cause of the problem). I do not provide any advice before the initial meeting (I can do it in a coffee shop) with my new student. And this initial consultation is basically related to cleaning “ALL trash collected over the years from unknown’s sources”.
This is only way to move from 520 to 540 AP, 25 points higher over three month.
If you, Rob, personally do not understand the significance of this impact, your level of consulting is to help recreational shooters (to help them kill their time), entertain others, and support sales if your “wise “ideas are not working.

This is a conceptual issue of the forum. This is what is holding many motivated shooters from years of progress!

The human mind is a very receptive instrument. This is why elite athletes do not participate too often on TT; check their rate of posts (John Bickar joined in May, 2004 andonly made 140 posts in the past 7 years).

Implying the message of “we are a free source of information.” It is not really free.
Take off a few elements of real conceptual ideas (fundamentals for example) and you can “help” everyone for years without any actual progress.

Face reality, Russ is not the problem here. The"inconvenient truth" is the problem of the future development. I'm not the only one who can see it!

To do this, you have to create the status, “Guru or some kind of expert” to tell people the initial mystery of the statement: “565 AP is the international level of performance”. In reality it is BS and keep facilitating the sales process as long as you wish!

Re: It is nice to have you Rob in my post.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:06 am
by v76
Russ wrote:Emotionally charged statement.
RobStubbs wrote:Sounds like a bad idea to me. How about a forum just for Russ ...?
For me really it does not matter at all! I do not compete and do not practice since 2007.
Incorrect ideas can drastically affect someone’s competitive performance if they do not have personal coach or coach not able to explain effect of implementations “NEW Thingsfrom Unknown source of information. One trip for unsuccessful performance is about $1,000.00, time to recover about 1-3 month (if someone can recognize what is actual cause of the problem). I do not provide any advices before initial meeting (I can do it in coffe shop) with my new student. And this initial consultation basically related to cleaning “ALL trash collected over the years from unknown’s sources”.
This is only one way to move from 520- 540 AP up to 25 points over three month. If you Rob, personally do not understand significance of this impact, your level of consoling is to help recreational shooters (to help them kill they time), entertain others and support sales if you “wise “ideas is not working. It is nice to have you Rob in my post.
This is conceptual issue of the forum. This is what holding many motivated shooters from years of progress!
Human mind is very receptive instrument. This is why elite athletes do not participate too often on TT; check they rate of posts: (John Bickar joined: 05 May 2004 Only 140 Posts for 7 years)
Implying message of “we are free source of informationis not really free. Take off few elements of real conceptual ideas (fundamentals for example) and you can “help” for years without any actual progress.Face reality Russ is not a problem here..."Inconvenient truth" is the problem of the future development. I'm not only one who can see it! To do this you have to create status “Guru or some kind of expert” tell people initial mystery statement: “565 AP is international level of performance”. In reality it is BS.
And keep facilitate sales process as long as you wish!
As I already said, I think sponsored sub-forums could be a good idea. A lot of forum owners do that to share costs with advertisers. I'm sure Russ is motivated and passionate enough about his coaching business to do that. Unless it was, well, a rhetorical question or something.

Or have an "International Coaches Directory" thread where coaches could post their contact info.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:25 am
by markwarren

You could always put most of your posts in the Buy, Sell forum as that is what you mainly do on here i.e. sell your coaching service and then you wouldn't have to wade through all of the posts you feel aren't pertenent to you. After all many of your posts are very tiresome for many of us.

Also there may be some threads put on here by a top coach that would also benefit a beginner shooter. Would they have to come 'cap in hand' to the 'elite' forum in order to gain that knowledge?

This is probably the best run shooting forum I have come across and don't see any reason for a change.

I will no doubt expect a reply with many bits highlighted to emphasise their deep and meaningful purpose.

I am amazed that with the level of skill you offer you have the time to come on here and belittle all of us shooters who can not achieve your basic 570!!

Apologies to all other forum users for my rant but is this guy for real !!

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:51 am
by Russ
Do not make a big deal from this topic as well from my other posts.
If you do not see any value in my posts, please do not force yourself to read it and waste your valuable words to argue with me about it.
It is not for me personally. For me, Olympic pistol is only a competitive discipline, and I’m speaking from this point of view. Many TT members use those Olympic pistols for different activities where there is no pressure of specific score performance needed. I’m not interested to get involved in pointless discussions where there is no common ground to talk about, not even to argue, where I will be free to read what you are forcing me to read.

ONE MORE TIME: IF you do not have a GOAL in Olympic pistol target shooting, please DO NOT READ MY POSTS! ;)
If you have a GOAL, you have tell me about it first!
Do not hide yoursef from yourself! No one can help you if you do not know where you need be some day... Is there any sense to you?
Am I clear enough to understand?

I do not need to know what your occupation is. In order to help, I need to know, DO YOU HAVE A GOAL TO ACHIEVE YOUR DESIRED SCORE PERFORMANCE IN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:47 am
by Guest
just quit feeding the troll

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:12 am
by Russ
U.S. Team Goal Worksheet

There is no need to trick you; "goal" is not a mystery word, but a requirement.
See you in action. :)

Are you implying a FEE?
Yes, everyone will pay a “Fee, tax, cost or price”. The cost for time (years of unsuccessful performance) where one trip is about $1,000, the price to sacrifice your dream, the price of discomfort of not understanding where those “8s” are coming from; it depends what is more important to you.

I paid all those prices!
I know what I’m talking about and I do not need to hide my name, not by score performance and not by telling you the inconvenient truth.

Also, I do not really care how many pistols you feel the need to buy to satisfy your impulse to get involved in Olympic style target shooting.

It is time to stop dreaming or lying to yourself.
Get real! Set a Goal! Develop a written plan to achieve your goal. Invest in knowledge and proceed with actions!

Do not be afraid to sign your name next time. You came here to make your name visible.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:31 am
by peterz
My name is signed, Peter Zimmerman.

For a long time I had a simple goal: to be competitive in local/state matches for those over 60 or 65 (I'm over 70). Things changed in December when a small mass was discovered near my right ear. A very painful biopsy showed the mass was malignant, and 10 days ago the tumor was removed with clear margins.

So my goals have changed:

1) Survive
2) Get my speech back to normal
3) Be able to eat solid food requiring a little chewing
4) Get off pain killers
5) Survive

After setting those modest goals I've had to reevaluate my shooting goals. Right now I would like to get back to where I was 3 months ago, about a 500-510 before the growth was found -- heck I would like to regain the strength to hold a pistol for 60 shots plus sighters over 90 minutes or so. Reaching Russ's magic goal of 570 is probably out of reach for now.

Does my lack of interest in 570 mean, Russ, that I should go away and not use TT as a resources? If I can't aspire to 570, does that make me some kind of inferior "recreational shooter?"

It's good to have goals, but the setting of goals means the establishment of priorities as well. Would you quarrel with mine?


Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:09 pm
by Russ
Dear Peter,

In a private discussion, probably a year ago, I told you where one of your problems are. You created a special word ("unanticipated"). The term "shot anticipation" must be used by coaches, not by athletes. What your creation is as a scientist is to change plus to a minus. For examle, everyone sees my English to not be perfect and instead of telling me exactly what I should do to deal with this issue over a certain period of time, the advice is to use correct grammar. Between correct and incorrect, there is a huge gap where I have to go to develop and consciously control all of my expressions in correct order. I hope you made some progress of understanding this particular item in your performance too.

About the 570 question, if we divide Olympic Pistol between two parts, you will be able to read more in competitive Olympic pistol and post as much as you want in recreational Olympic pistol, or discuss technical issues with your arms. It does no violate any freedom for you to read, but it will prevent others to digest unnoticed problems from less experienced shooters. It is important to disclose your level of performance for one particular reason; do not spread out your mistakes of which you are not aware of.

My goal is to make everyone to understand, before you try to help someone, you have to deeply understand what you are doing. The level of your understanding is your score performance. If you have health conditions, there is another venture in this forum.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:31 pm
by peterz
About the 570 question, if we divide Olympic Pistol between two parts, you will be able to read more in competitive Olympic pistol and post as much as you want in recreational Olympic pistol, or discuss technical issues with your arms.
In simpler words, I should just go away and let the big boys chat amongst themselves. I thought that's what you had in mind.

As to your mangling of the English language, and your insistence on an Alice-in-Wonderland standard that a word means just what you want it to when you want it to (regardless of whether anybody else thinks so), I can make a firm recommendation, one I have implemented whenever I have sought to learn another language:

Read; read good literature about subjects that interest you. Read works by authors who are famous for their use of the language.

With your background I would suggest that the non-fiction books of John McPhee are appropriate. For example his book "La Place de la Concorde Suisse" about the Swiss Army, or his biography of NBA star Bill Bradley, or perhaps "Looking for a Ship" about the US Merchant Marine. Really, all of his books are written very well and very elegantly.

Read good books; study them a bit. And internalize how good authors say things. It's much like developing a pistol shot without consciously doing anything because it all gets absorbed in muscle memory. And it has the advantage that reading should be on many levels, instructive as well as fun. And then try to write yourself, but find a native speaker who is also a good writer to read your copy and help you with its errors.

Remember that you are fairly new at writing English, and don't get mad when somebody misunderstands you or criticizes your style. If you must have a grammar book for reference Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style" has been a classic for > 50 years through many editions.

You don't need a grammar book to learn to write; no more than an instruction book was necessary to learn how to ride a bicycle. Oh yes, let me add another author to your list: Joseph Conrad. His native language was Polish, but he learned to write so well in English that his books are considered fine examples of excellent English style. He started writing as an adult, not as a kid in school.

"Unanticipated" is not a "created" "special word". Go look it up.

I usually charge for my teaching work, since that's what I did for a living for 50+ years. I'll make this an exception.


Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:42 pm
by Russ
"In simpler words," use discretion when you post something and keep in mind, “if you are good in something, it does not automatically represent you are good in everything”.
One of the problems of this forum is, too many professional writers and not too many professionals who are really able to help (talk grammatically correct and help are not always the same thing).

About unanticipation, subconsiously you understand this issue. To fix it, you have to overlook all of your fundamentals. Assuming you spent many years of practicing, it will be not easy to recognize the exact problem. I advised to you earlier to seek professional help if you need to improve your score and have less stress when your shot goes off without your control.

Thank you for your input about my writting skills. I'm not the only one who's English is a second language. Please keep in mind this is an international forum. We do not discriminate others for incorrect grammar here.