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2012 NRA Grant Store - CZ-455s

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:41 am
by jhmartin
Back in September working on our grant, I had requested a couple of CZ-455s to gain a few silhouette rifles for our 4-H program.

Recently informed that the Grant Store discontinued these items. My >>guess<< is that the distributor pulled them as these are the current "new" rifles from CZ.

Good News --->
Looks like they were replaced by the CZ-452 Scout & CZ-452 Trainer.
From all accounts it appears the 452s are more accurate and have better triggers than the 455s. And they are $15 cheaper.
How lucky can we get?

So, if you also had requested 455's, get with your Area Rep and request that they swap for the 452's on your grant.
I chose the trainer over the scout. Scout is a smaller lighter rifle for smaller kids. ... ing-rifle/


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:41 am
by oldsailor64
Joel, am I to understand that if you submit a grant request to the FNRA that you must purchase approved items throught this grant store? Is there a link for the website?

Lubbock H. S. NJROTC

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:01 pm
by jhmartin

Not necessarily. However, most of the stuff you'll put in for a grant request they will have a "Like Item" in the store and it is not completely simple to get something different than what they have.

Technically, you cannot specify a "brand item". Let's say you want to order pellets, well right now they only have R-10 competition pellets .... lots of hunting type pellets that are illegal in comps. So you're only choice is to have your state committee pay $12 a tin .... even if you can get a great deal on sporter competition pellets elsewhere.

Basically NRA would like you to buy thru their store with their preferred vendors and make it a bit more complex to get a grant check to order elsewhere.
If what you need is not in the store (say you are putting on a clinic and want to pay a guest instructor), then you can get a grant check.

Now, some State Committees are flexible and will listen to arguments for alternative items and some are not. My State Committee, NM, I think is very reasonable and will listen (and read the grant explanations) for an alternative product.

For the most part you will find what you need in the store, but sometimes at a higher price (but sometimes lower as well). In many instances this is the simplest way to go as doing your final report all you need to do is reference the order number. And that is what the Grant Store was meant to help solve ... the issues with folks not reporting where they were spending the money.

Some items are a great deal. 22 Ammo for instance ... reasonable price and shipping is included. Selection is limited and you cannot test the batches, but for 90% of our smallbore shooting the ammo in the Grant Store is adequate for our needs.

Hit this page to start a grant application:
and you can jump to Page 7 and enter the grant store to see what they have.

452 and 455 are both still available thru 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:33 pm
by GCSInc
From my very Reliable Source File;

The 452 training rifle is still in production. From what I hear from CZ, It will be for the rest of 2012 but it is not guaranteed. The trigger should be no different between the 455 and 452. Testing at CZ and others have not revealed any accuracy advantage between the 452 or 455. They do suggest that the barrel retention set screws be "lock tighted" in place as the only accuracy issue if the screws back out.

"That's as close to gospel as you'll come in the middle of the week".

Additionally, We're about to take delivery of our 3rd PDC Custom stocked CZ452. Two are Varmint Specials with the standard CZ Bull Barrel. One is a Green Mountain. They all shoot better than our Juniors can hold them at this point. Number Four should be ready in about 4 weeks. It will Sport a nearly new Anschutz Barrel. We'll write a technical review soon.

I've been in contact with a friend at CZ who's promised me a new production 455 to "wring out". We'll let you know what we find in comparison when we get the two side-by-side.

If you've seen the photos of prototype #1 (Green CZ452 with silver 12" bloop tube, you know what we're putting together. This combination has lots of adjustments, lots of capability and is more than $200.00 under the best price you can give of a non adjustable 1903!

More to follow.

(678) 772-8185 cell

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:51 am
by Maxicooper
Would love to know more about the developemnt. Thank you.

Waiting on delivery

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:37 am
by GCSInc
Still waiting. More when I have something to test...


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:51 am