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standard and free pistol question

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:15 pm
by NDbullseye
Currently here in North Dakota we only shoot at 50ft for both standard and free pistol. How much of a change is it to go 25M and 50M for standard and free pistol respectively???? How much of a difference is it in target size? How much of a change is it going to be if you use a 6 o'clock hold for sight adjustment?

Thanks in advanced

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:54 pm
by RMinUT
I see no sight changes going from 50ft. to 25yd. with any of my SP's, but that is just me you could be different. I don't do FP. The target will appear the same visually at all yard lines because the aiming black increases in proportion to the yardage increase. It is pretty much impossible to give a good answer to your other question because you didn't say from what sight picture you are going to 6oclock from. All of this is mute because in Int'l events there is a sighter period. Use it wisely.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:56 pm
by Isabel1130
Personally, ND, I have never shot a free pistol match at either 25 or 50 meters. Here in the western US, the ranges are generally 50 yards and the targets are reduced slightly from the 50 meter target for that shorter distance. I don't think there is any difference in difficulty. You get sighters but generally the lighting conditions when you are shooting with iron sights will cause you to make more of an adjustment outdoors than you will make for distance. The 50 foot target, in my opinion, is the most difficult target of all.
I use a sub six hold and don't change it at all from one distance to another. I always try and center it in the middle of the white below the black and it seems to work.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:59 pm
by Rover

I don't notice a change, but you may. Just shoot; all will become clear.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:00 pm
by NDbullseye
my 6 o'clock hold is right at the bottom of the black on both targets. I was more on the lines wondering if some drop should be accounted for when going from 50' to 50M. The 50' to 25M isn't a hugh difference in distance and i know that it shoots right on to that range. The main reason I am asking is that I see a difference of about 3 clicks on my ultradot from 50' to 50yds.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:27 pm
by Bob-Riegl
From personal experience which goes back a few years I have aways enjoyed shooting FP at 25 yards rather than the 50' horror target. It is most forgiving experience. The FP doesn't forgive any minor glitches but my scores at 25 yards always have been better than the 50' (shudder) target. FWIW...."Doc"

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:21 am
My experiences are it does not change much for FP from 50 m to 25 m even for a reduced target. Actually I believe the shooters have an advantage and the score is higher. If you are using the 6'o clock aim it is quick to adjust the aim. However, for SP, using the same 6'o clock aim will usually shoot high at 50 m because in 25 yards, from bottom to centre of the black is app 4 inches but double the distance, it becomes 8 to 10 inches.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:59 pm
by orionshooter
One thing no one seems to have covered is the difference between shooting indoors v. outdoors. If your 50m shooting is going to be done outdoors you will likely find that the changes in natural lighting will need to be factored in. My group at 9:00 am is much different than the one I shoot at 1:00 pm.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:07 am
I think this is normal and every shooter have experienced the same. Our eyes are not perfect, they can be cheated by various factors. Shooting outdoors is more apparent because the sun is providing the light source but changing the angle every hour. Even in fine day and cloudy day there is a difference. That is why some shooters wear a yellow filter in dim or flat lights in order to add contrast to their eyes.

Some shooters can have an aim with the black ball sitting right on top of the front sight while others need to have some space and that space various among different shooters as well. That is why in competitions, they have a training session so that the shooters can adjust themselves to the firing point and the various conditions. Even before the competition, they have a sighting serious for last stage adjustments.

Knowing your eyes response to different conditions is a part of training. I once read an article saying that one particular shooter of FP using a fix grip cannot put his hand inside when he competed in the tropic.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:06 am
by NDbullseye
Thank you everyone for the input.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:29 pm
by madmull
50 feet = 15.24 meters correct?

When i shoot sportpistol (25 meters) with my morini CM22M, i aim at sub six at the official target.
When i did a free pistol match (50 meters) with the same pistol, i had to aim a bit higher then the six oclock (7-ring).
So there is a difference in sighting.
For 25 meters the target is perfect visible and for 50 meters there is just a black dot and about half in size. this because you look at your pistol instead of the target
if you want to train fp at 25 meters then you should use a rifle target for 50 meters.
for training at 50 feet i would use a airpistol target

succes with it