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Slow leaking air cylinder - any suggestions?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:23 pm
by skylark
Hi folks,

I have an S200 and the air cylinder is slowly losing pressure (from full to unusable in about a week, and it's only fired 20 shots). It's done it twice now. Not a new cylinder - it used to be fine.

It's always loosened off when it's not being used, and nobody's done anything unkind to it.

.22 shooter here, not expert with these things at all. Is there anything I can do which might help, or is it a specialist job? Or a new cylinder?

It's not my gun so obviously I'll be going and confessing all to the owner anyway, but I'd prefer to be able to say "and this is what needs doing, can I go get it done?"

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:51 am
by timinder
It sounds as though you have either a piece of debris trapped in either the fill or the firing valve, or a damaged 'O' ring.
There's no mechanical need to remove the cylinder from the rifle when not in use, as the firing pin doesn't act on the valve with very much force in its resting position.

If I were you, I'd fill the cylinder, dunk it in a bowl of water and look for bubbles. Once you've found the source of the leak, mark it and then empty the cylinder (not sure what type of fill valve you have, but if it's the older type, toy can just press the nose of the fill valve (very) firmly onto a hard surface and it'll dump all its air. (It's VERY loud and a lot of air will come out, so clear a space and warn anyone else in the house first!)

With the cylinder empty, you can depress the offending valve and give it a blow with an airline to try and clear any debris in it.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:12 pm
by skylark
Thanks! Will try.