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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:16 pm
by SMBeyer
I don't have a bullseye rule book so I thought I would ask this question here. I was asked by a fellow shooter if listening to an mp3 player with head phones while shootin was legal or not? Without knowing the rule regarding this it would seem that one could have instructional recordings and it could be considered coaching. So, is it legal or not?

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:20 pm
by Freepistol
Rule book:

I didn't look it up to see if it is legal, however, I would hope it is not legal just for the fact that one may not be able to hear range commands--like CEASE FIRE!!!!!

Re: headphones?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:54 am
by clark2245
"3.20 Ear Protection - All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex are urged to wear hearing protection devices. Only sound reducing devices may be worn. Radios, tape recorders or any type sound producing or communication system is prohibited forward of the ready line after the preparation period has started. "Match sponsors (and/or ranges) may require ear protection""


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:09 pm
by randy1952
I have been a line officer for over 20 years and over the years I have watched shooters commit rule violations that cost them points and then watching the shooter get upset because it cost them points or worse disqualification. The rule violations for the most part could have been avoided for the most part if the shooter had just bothered to read the rules.

Even a good line officer will carry around a rulebook because he is not expected to memorize the rules. However, the line officer should have read the rules enough to become familiar with them and when a possible violation occurs they will look it up to make sure before proceeding to the next step. The line officer will also reread the rules to cover other potential rule violations during the match. The bottom line whenever a question comes up read the rules. I know it is easier to get an answer by asking somebody else, but that may not help you when you are on the line and who is to say the person you are asking is giving you answer on rule violations he may have been committing because nobody has challenged him, which can happen at the small local matches. The next time you may not only be committing a rule violation that will cost you points, but a safety violation that can get you disqualified or worse.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:54 pm
by SMBeyer
Thanks for the info and the link to the rule book. I very quickly looked at the rules this morning before going to work and missed it. Scott

Re: headphones?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:31 am
by 75tARW3d
clark2245 wrote:"3.20 Ear Protection - All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex are urged to wear hearing protection devices. Only sound reducing devices may be worn. Radios, tape recorders or any type sound producing or communication system is prohibited forward of the ready line after the preparation period has started. "Match sponsors (and/or ranges) may require ear protection""
It only explains one thing—no one is allowed to use any headphones in an exhibition or competition either. It is prohibited in a shooting competition because it would affect the concentration of the shooter during the event. Or the shooter couldn’t hear the warnings if he is using a headphone.

super bowl 2011 live stream Headphone


Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:01 pm
by penman53
Is this subject pertaining to a match? or when practicing. Because I use a MP3 player all the time when practicing timed and rapid fire. I use them under my hearing protection. But I only do it during practice.