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Pilkington trip to Europe this year?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:39 pm
by Isabel1130
I have heard some rumors from my friends that they may be a tour this fall and I was wondering if it was coming together in the plans yet? For a lot of us who are not retired, it requires a pretty good lead time to get leave and make sure the funds are available for this sort of thing. So, anyone know anything? Isabel

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:59 am
by pilkguns
Yeah, lets go. be October time frame probably first or second week. I am crazy busy right now getting ready for SHOT. Can some posts some links to previous trips?

I will finalize some dates with factory next week in Vegas

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:32 pm
by candace
I'm still new to this forum, so I'm wondering how many tours take place each year? Are they always in Europe? I live in Chicago and I'd love to visit Europe with a group. Can anyone come along?
Atlas Insurance

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:29 pm
by Richard H
There have been a couple of Tours they are every few years not multiple times a year. Last one was 2006.

It was a great trip and if you're thinking of going, go. It was one of the best trips I have ever been on.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:21 am
by RobinC
We would have gone last year when it was proposed but as it did'nt happen we went on our own. We are experienced European travellers and it is a ferry and a long drive for us but for you coming from across the pond it would be better to come on an organised trip.
We had prior friendship links with a couple of clubs, one in Austria, one in Germany, so we visited those, we contacted Steyr and Walther prior to going and arranged visits to them. The first Austrian club we had a pre arranged match there but we traveled about, sightseeing, walking, etc, and when we were staying in a village or town just looked up the local Schutzengilde (club) and visited. We had a fantastic welcome every where we went, shot in a lot of clubs and made a lot of new friends. Walther is a fantasy place for shooters, its worth going on the trip just to see their museum! Shooting history in Germany is incredible, they are true enthusiasts and the hospitality is great, one club we have links with was formed in 1483!
I am sure the Pilkington trip will be a shooters trip of a lifetime.
Good shooting

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:57 pm
by Slo cat
Scott, count me in as well. And Mrs. Slo cat will be coming too.

In 2006 there were people from OZ, Canada & the US on the tour.

I'll get the word out to Marc in the Dark.

Schrek, you should go too. It would be nice seeing you again.

Best Regards,
Slo cat

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:02 pm
by pilkguns
The trip is on,

Dates will be October 9th- 16. You will need to arrange your own airfare to and from Munich. arriving no later the afternoon of the 9th and departing Sunday morning the 16th. I am still trying to get pricing on the bus, the fuel price uncertaintity is holding up a quote.

I have been asked about doing Steyr and Morini. we coudl consider this, but it would have to be after the 16th and costs would be higher per day, b becauase the distance traveld would be greater. There are many things to see along the way, just not all shooting related. I will do a poll on this of the people who sign up and determine a price and itenary then.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:03 am
by RobinC as Guest
My wife and I went to Steyr last year, its a long way from any where, its quite small, very interesting and friendly but would not be a long visit, to justify it you could contact and also visit Mannel which is only a couple of kilometers away in the next village.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:32 am
by pilkguns
Robin, there are more interesting things in Steyr proper and nearby Linz than in Ernsthofen, thats for sure