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With winning in mind and a new PR.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:13 am
by david alaways
The first match I shot in after finishing Lanny Basshams book was a success. I shoot a 572 and I did that with a awful finish. No bad shots just a few moments of thinking got me in trouble. A laughing moment at my friend next to me cost me a few points . He was having a tuff match and boy did i know it. At one point I did manage 13 tens in a row in the middle of the match after a bathroom break that (brain fart) caused me to load and shot 2 pellets followed by 3 nines. Then I settled down and shot 17 out of 18 tens. I should have took a break before the last ten shots but didnt. A decission which caused me to drop 9 points. It was a good night ,Ive decided to read the book again. ...David

Re: With winning in mind and a new PR.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:24 am
by David Levene
david alaways wrote:....caused me to load and shot 2 pellets ....
Out of interest, were the correct procedures (rules & .4) applied.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:28 am
by Oz
CONGRATS David! That's so good to hear. That book really is a game changer. I hope to get my elbow fixed and apply that book to my training.

Here's to a 580 at the next PTO.


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:01 pm
by RMinUT
Congrats on a new PR! I've always said Lanny's words will take shooters to a new level. Try his mental management tapes.


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:07 pm
by david alaways
Yes David The rule book was brought out, Ron went over it with me really quick and everything was done up to par. (Ron runs a tight ship).

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:20 pm
by David Levene
That's good. It's a perfect example where knowing the rules can save you a fistful of points; one of the holes will inevitably be "less than optimal"

Unfortunately it is also an area where shooting more than 1 shot per target can be detrimental to the shooter. Identifying the shot to discard can be problematic.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:25 pm
by Forrest C.
Thats some good shooting David! Looks like we'll have another Californian on the national team before long. Was there any specific thing from the book that you focused on during the match? I think it's time for me to pick up a copy.


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:51 pm
by david alaways
All I shot is tens. in other words I stayed positve. The last ten shots I said to myself "all I need is 5 of them to be tens" Well thats half failure! and boy did that screw me up. . I shot the match like I shoot at home. No warm up then 5 sighters (all tens) then I started shooting, finished in less than an hour and if we hadnt stopped at burger king(an hour before the match) Im sure I would have broke 580. I dont eat that kind of food , so that was a change I should have avoided. . Seeing 2 holes appear on your target can really mess with your mind(that was a no no) Next time I stay positive, no burger king and no double loads. I am also getting blinders my buddy got a good talking too on the drive home he was really screwing up. Thanks for the good words maybe I will see you next time . David