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Bulk Buy on Jr Saftey Glasses

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:05 am
by Dunski
Hi, Hopeing someone can help. I coach our club's "Junoirs NRA smallbore" and we have to do something about Saftey glasses. Ours are always scratched and too large for the litle ones (we start with 8 year olds up to 18)

Does anyone know of a website where I can get:

-Various sizes of relatively cheap saftey glasses.
-some kind of felt-lined tray with seperate compartments to keep the glasses from scratching against each other.


Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:08 am
by Soupy44
Can't really help you on where to buy what you're looking for, but have another idea.

We have the same problem, out "community" safety glasses are pretty roughed up. We strongly suggest our families invest in their own eyes and ear in order to have the best fit. This is a minimal investment which in our opinion is not too much to ask. In addition, it adds something at home to keep them committed. It's easy to forget or lose interest when you don't have much invested. We've found just the glasses and ears is enough investment to keep them coming back.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:25 pm
by jhmartin
Man it's tough with the really small kids .... Sometimes WallyMart has some kids sizes.

I like these -- N-Specs ... lots of options and decent prices ... nspecs.cfm

When folks want to purchase a good set of their own, I like the clear Infusions for indoors ... with hard cases

For general club use (where you won't get excited if you have to throw a scratched pair away) look at the Tridons ... if you want a soft case (bag) they have those extra

(I also have a pair of the Infusion readers that I use at work ... Infusions are pretty comfortable for even all day if you have to)

I did a search for "small safety glasses" and this looks like what some of the JR ones you find in WM look like: ... pd_cp_hi_1

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 4:49 pm
by Pat McCoy
Try Conney safety Products.

Various sizes and styles, with adjustable length temples.

Safety Glasses

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 5:54 pm
by Quest1
Visit your local industrial safety store ore gas welding supply store they have a variety of safety glasses you can get at a price cheaper then you can get at Walmart. The sizes have been small enough for the small juniors I get.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:59 am
by WRC
Try Lab Safety Supply They have about the largest selection of safety glasses I've found. Talk to a customer rep. Years back, I also was scouring around for small suitable glasses, and their rep sent a few samples for us to try.

For general use, we bought a box of clear "wrap-around" style simple frames. For a nicer, but pricier pair, the Smith & Wesson Mini Magnum is a great fit for small heads. Interestingly enough, the Fectoids (I kid you not, that's the name) fit medium small faces too, even though they are a full size frame. But give LSS a call, small frames come in about 4 or 5 styles/brands.

We also found that most scratches come when the little shooters smush their face right up to the rear sight, and the aperture scratches against the eyeglass. (Something about a tiny eyeball and a tiny aperture).

Good luck with this important task! It makes learning and practice a whole lot easier when the student shooters aren't fiddling trying to keep their glasses on. Been there, Coach Paula

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:28 am
by SRichieR
I'll "second" Quest1's reply. Look in the phone book for industrial safety supplies. You can buy them by the carton for way less than wallyworld or other retailer. In our area we get glasses as good or better than other retailers for under $2.
If you ask, they should be able to get you glasses in junior sizes. The supply house I use keeps a carton or two in stock for us.