2010 Long Lake Black Bear Annual Championship

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Ed Hall
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2010 Long Lake Black Bear Annual Championship

Post by Ed Hall »

This year's Championship has been Approved by the NRA and is set for 13-15 August. A full 2700 will be fired each day and the three relays combined for the event.

Last year we filled to capacity (30 shooters), until two canceled due to unavoidable circumstances. So, it is highly recommended that you pre-register.

The match program is provided below, and can also be found at:

13-15 August 2010 Match Program (pdf)

or by going to the Home Page for the Event:

Long Lake Black Bear Annual Championship Home Page

on which you can find the above link and other information about the annual event, such as turning system construction, previous scores, match records, etc.

Here is the basic program, but contact information is only available at the above link:

Code: Select all

                                       13-15 AUGUST 2010
Location: Long Lake Fish & Game Club, 8196 Newcomb Road (route 28N), Long Lake, NY (club entrance is across from McIntyre Blvd, just west of transfer station)

Pre-registration is required to ensure a position. See Contact Information below. Walk-ins will be accepted on a space available basis, only if there are shooters already registered for that day. A relay will only be fired if there are pre-registered competitors signed up by the day prior.

On-site Check-in begins: 8:00 A.M. each day. Firing begins: 9:00 A.M. each day.

Program: NRA 2700 Conventional Pistol Match (.22 / Center Fire / .45).

Three complete relays – one each day. Current NRA Conventional Pistol Rules will apply.

Eligibility: Open to all competitors. NRA membership is not required, but is encouraged.

Entry Fee: Package entry fee is $25 for entire 2700 match, or $10 per 900 match.

Entries: Limited to range capacity of 10 competitors per day, total of 30 competitors. Priority will be given to three-gun shooters. .22 only competitors may be squadded during Center Fire or .45 match.

Scoring: All strings of fire will be scored after ten shots. Competitors will score and repair targets.

Overlays may be used by competitors. Plugs will only be used by tournament officials.

Challenges: Challenge fee will be $1 per challenge, per NRA rules, returned if challenge upheld. All challenges will be decided by the Match Supervisor.

Awards: Awards will be given to Open Winner and High in Class (if three or more in class). Classes with less than three representatives will be combined upward to provide for three or more in a class.

1 - .22 Slow Fire Match     6 - CF Slow Fire Match    11 - .45 Slow Fire Match
2 - .22 National Match      7 - CF National Match     12 - .45 National Match
3 - .22 Timed Fire Match    8 - CF Timed Fire Match   13 - .45 Timed Fire Match
4 - .22 Rapid Fire Match    9 - CF Rapid Fire Match   14 - .45 Rapid Fire Match
5 - .22 Aggregate (1-4)    10 - CF Aggregate (6-9)    15 - .45 Aggregate (11-14)
                  16 - Grand Aggregate (Match 5 + Match 10 + Match 15)

General Info: Range is uncovered, with 50 yard stationary and 25 yard turning targets. RV electrical hookups and restrooms are located on-site. Camping is allowed, but arrangements must be made ahead of time for non-members to be let through the gate. There will be a 45 minute lunch break between Matches 9 and 11. A lunch order (from a local facility) may be placed during check-in.
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Ed Hall
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Post by Ed Hall »

Just a shameful bump for this match!

We don't look as full at this point as we were last year

Take Care,
Ed Hall
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Brian James
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Post by Brian James »


I appreciate you posting the message as I wouldn't have known about the match. I hope you relays fill up.

See you in a couple of weeks.

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Ed Hall
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Post by Ed Hall »

Thanks Brian,

As you will see, we have a whole extra area just asking for ten more targets. If we can generate enough interest, we'll put them in.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
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Brian James
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Post by Brian James »

To Ed and Bruce (Match Director),

I want to thank you both for running an excellent match and it was well worth the drive.

I hope to attend next year's match and would encourage anyone within reasonable driving distance to attend.

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Ed Hall
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Post by Ed Hall »

Well, attendance was down quite a bit, disappointingly. But, we had three great days of comfortable weather and 18 competitors came out of the woods, to include Brian, from Canada.

The 2009 Champion successfully defended his title, along the way setting two new match records. A previous champion also set two new match records and tied one of his older ones.

Information and scores can be found at:

Long Lake Black Bear Annual Championship Home Page

I hope we'll see more of you next time.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
US Air Force Competitive Shooting
Bullseye (and International) Competition Things
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