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Any comments on the new LP10 Electronic

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:27 pm
by paulo
Looking for first impressions on the electronic trigger, and the new compensator design results in action.

read LP50e thread

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:19 am
by RobStubbs
Try looking a few posts down the list to the LP50e thread here


Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:00 am
by The Doctor
I have put about 400 shots through mine already since getting it at the weekend; I will try to summarize my (unscientific) findings thus far;

trigger - on a par with, if not better than the morini - there isn't a lot to make you choose between them, although, for me, the steyr seems that bit more adjustable and reachable - I know, it is hard to quantify unless you try them both!

Compensator - the new compensator differs from previous incarnations with the addition of 8 individual holes in the front. What I have noticed is this seems to have cut down that little bit (very minor) amount of flip you sometimes get, and brings the movement rearwards - I noticed that I seemed to be pulling a lot less shots higher last night, but there again this could be a psychological thing (new gun etc) vs. anything technical.

Grip - the grip is the one thing that you will either love or hate - the swell was too large for me, and the high point of the 'heel' was digging in my hand all the time - the dremmel has sorted that, and there is plenty of meat in the grip to accommodate most I should think.

Everything else is as the standard LP10, and thus far I am really impressed, I just need to get used to it now.


Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:25 pm
by PhilipM

Can you comment on the difference in noise levels of the LP10e vs. the LP10 or the Morini ?


Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:32 pm
by The Doctor
There are no noticeable differences between the lp10 and the Lp10 E, I have just shot both upstairs (this would of course depend upon the power you prefer to have yours set at) - as for morini and steyr, sorry, I cannot compare the two yet but might be able to at the weekend.


Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:17 pm
by superstring
I'm wondering how the grip of the LP10E differs from the standard LP10?

[quote=The Doctor]

Grip - the grip is the one thing that you will either love or hate - the swell was too large for me, and the high point of the 'heel' was digging in my hand all the time - the dremmel has sorted that, and there is plenty of meat in the grip to accommodate most I should think.


I have an LP5 and one thing I really appreciate is the adjustability of the grip. I understand that one of the drawbacks of the Morini 162E is the lack of grip adjustability. Is the adjustability of the standard LP10 compromised on the E version?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:50 am
by The Doctor
The grip on the LP10E is adjustable in exactly the same way as the Lp10 as the electronic mechanism is connected via a wire (not a flimsy one either) rather than being solid.

Hope this helps


Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:26 pm
by superstring
^ It does indeed. Thanks Lee.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:19 pm
by John Hadjichristou
And a nice added 'touch' by Steyr by starting the 6 digit serial numbers
with 600.
I'm sure they are hoping that this model may end up being the first to shoot a perfect score.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:10 am
by RobStubbs
The Doctor wrote:There are no noticeable differences between the lp10 and the Lp10 E, I have just shot both upstairs (this would of course depend upon the power you prefer to have yours set at) - as for morini and steyr, sorry, I cannot compare the two yet but might be able to at the weekend.

Seems to be at odds with your previous post;
The Doctor also wrote wrote:trigger - on a par with, if not better than the morini - there isn't a lot to make you choose between them, although, for me, the steyr seems that bit more adjustable and reachable - I know, it is hard to quantify unless you try them both!
The trigger is certainly very noticeably different from the manual trigger. I've not shot the gun in anger yet so I don't know how it feels live firing or how it would translate to any inprovement in my shooting. For me though the big change is in the LP50 - I'm very seriously considering upgrading (from an LP5) to an LP50e. Whether I subsequently also get the LP10e, only time will tell (and available funds).


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:38 pm
by The Doctor
Ah, sorry Rob - the original poster asked about the loudness of the Lp10 compared to the Lp10E, which I can confirm as I have both here - the loudness of the LP10E compared to the morini I couldn't do as I don't have a morini here. I have been lucky enough to compare both the triggers side by side, and for me the morini just pipped it, but then if you cut me in half I would probably have steyr written straight through me.

Peter might be better qualified to discuss the trigger as he shoots a morini.

Hope that is a little clearer


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 2:02 am
by RobStubbs
Understood Lee - cheers.

Another point of difference between the Steyr and Morini is the apparently much smaller degree of muzzle movement on shot firing with the Steyr. I'm informed that the new compensator on the 10e is better still than that on the 10 and that there is even less movement.

I look forward to more feedback as the new owners put more shots through the 10e - and I'd like to see how they fair at the major internationals....



Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:56 pm
by John Marchant
Look forward to seeing more reports, before ordering the LP10E.
Can anyone confirm if there are many in use at the moment?

Re: LP10E

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:14 am
by RobStubbs
John Marchant wrote:Look forward to seeing more reports, before ordering the LP10E.
Can anyone confirm if there are many in use at the moment?
In the UK I know of maybe half dozen. No doubt more may well have been sold, but they've only really been commercially available for a matter of a few months now, and as I understand it they are just trickling in to the dealers.


Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:18 pm
by John Marchant
I have now got the LP10E. What a superb and smooth trigger action compared to my LP1, which I always thought was pretty good.
I have made a couple of small mods to the grip to allow my fingers to fit better.
Early impressions are that you are almost able to think the trigger off once holding it on the 1st stage. It has to be a great boost to your shot confidence.
Only been shooting training with it at the moment, once settled in will soon start on match cards. The quality of the finish is superb.
After shooting with the LP10E, you come off the range with a great big feel good factor which is difficult to describe.

162EI VS LP10E

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:23 am
by kp
162EI vs LP10E

please kindly make the overall comment for captioned air pistol.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:19 am
by John Marchant
Unable to comment on the comparison between the LP10E and Morini 162EI as have not really shot more than a couple of shots through the Morini.
As Rob mentioned earler there is vitrtually no detectable muzzle movement when the shot is released on the LP10E. There are no "lucky" shots where the muzzle movement has cancelled out shooter errors and given you a good result. The LP10E is definately a"point and shoot" pistol. Wherever you are aiming when you release the shot is exactly where the shot will go.

Steyr LP 10 E being used

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:47 pm
by Hans-Jurgen
I sold my Morini Short and bought #600329. I've let my brother & sister club members try it out to compare with their Steyrs, since I have the only E model at the club. Our top shooter shoot 2 relays with his, and shot 93 & 93. I let him use my gun, which fits my hand, and my ZERO, which I set up, and he shot another 93! So, I guess that the E won't hurt your scores! He told me he loved the trigger, but my ZERRO was a ring lower than his is set at.
I'm recovering form a major operation, and wasn't released yet to do any heavy shooting, but I can tell you that both the Morini and the Steyr have triggers that are complemented, when tried.
I ordered my LP 10 E with a Medium grip, because Pilkington only had S & M at the time. My Morini had a Large grip. The Steyr fills my palm snugly; maybe because of the fullness in the grip. It's different than Morini, but I am very happy with the fit.[/b]

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:59 pm
by Guest
I have had a LP10E now about one month. The electronic trigger is clearly an improvment. My opinion is that it is not as smooth as in Morini. It is quite similar than the trigger in MG1e, but these things are matter of taste.

LP10E is a very nice pistol. It has only one problem: the grip is awful at least for me. I have short fingers and I have difficulties to reach the trigger. Usually M grip fits me, but not in this case. I had to do a lot of filing. I am not yet satisfied for the result, so I decided to order a Rink grip.

First my scores were lower than my season average but after filing the grip, the scores improved and are now on little higher level than my average before.



Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:10 am
by abprops
Hi All

Just wondered has anyone had a problem with the electronic trigger of their LP10E?