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Jorge Llames wins European Rapid Fire Championship with MG2

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:38 am
by julioalperi
The European championships were Celebrated in Osijek ,Croatia.
1st: Jorge Llames (Sp) 586-13x
Stage 1 100 99 98 297
Stage 2 98 98 93 289
Final 200.7 Tot=786.7

2nd: Mikhail Nestruev (Rus) 583-15x
Final 202.4 Tot=785.4

3rd: Ricardo Mazzeti (It) 580-18x
Final 200.8 Tot= 780.8

4th: Alexei Klimov (Rus) 582-18x
Final 198.7

5th: Ralf Schumman (Ger) 581-20x
Final 198.4

6th: Tibauht Sauvage (Fr) 584-23x
Final 195.1

7th: Santiago Montis (Sp) 580-20x

8th: Oleksandr Petriv (Ukr) 580-18x

9th: Martin Strnad (Cze) 579-24x

10th: Marco Stangenberg (Ger) 579-20x

As you´d have seen , Jorge Llames passed to the final in first place with 586 points and Tibauht Sauvage in second place with 584.
Matchguns confirmed in the news section of its web (Italian version only though) that both Llames and Sauvage were shooting MG2 pistols.
Julio Alperi

European Campionships 2009

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:06 am
by julioalperi
Also mention that Thibaut Sauvage (Fr) got bronze in Standard Pistol.

150 sec : 96 94 sub Tot 190
20 sec : 95 95 " " 190
10 sec : 96 94 " " 190

1rst : Denis Koulakov (Rus) 577-16x
2nd : Leonid Ekimov (Rus) 575-14x

ISSU pistol matches in the US?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:29 pm
by jpreid
Are there any ISSU matches in the USA?

ISSF events

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:39 pm
by julioalperi
No ISSF events in the USA for 2009.