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How far have you gone with an IZH 46M?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:07 am
by 1008mod
Okay I have been shooting with the IZH 46 m on and off for a while. Most of the shooters I meet at the ten meter range say that I should not consider it as much of a pistol. My thinking is that I haven't yet reached the best that this pistol is capable of. I could shoot a score of 520 or so last year, I am waiting for a part now and am just doing dry firing at home. Do you gents think that I am limiting myself or should I continue till I manage to hit 550 with it.



Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:22 am
by ghostrip
If the izh-46 balance, grips and ergonomics fits you there is no reason in my view to change it. I have an izzy in my collection and shoot 550-560 in matches and a little more in practice some years ago. In fact any shooter that asked me to hold it was impressed. Since then i got an LP-10 but sold it while the izzy still remains with me.

PS you can also get a nice set of grips from Mr vitarbo to enhace the ergonomics even better

Re: How far have you gone with an IZH 46M?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:23 am
by David Levene
1008mod wrote:Do you gents think that I am limiting myself or should I continue till I manage to hit 550 with it.
Is the gun capable of shooting 550 (or above)? Yes
Have many shooters shot 550 (or above) with it? Yes
Would you find it easier to shoot 550 (or above) with a different gun? Possibly

There is no "one size fits all". There is no doubt that it is not a top line pistol, but that doesn't mean you will not be able to shoot well with it. Whether you would be able to shoot the same scores easier, or higher scores, is a different matter.

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:57 am
by Bob-Riegl
Let the guys you meet at your range go wallow in their ignorance. The IZH46M will generally perform as well as the $2000 air guns. As David Levene just stated they are capable of 560's, in the correct hands, just as an Lp-10 and Morini 162E are capable of 460's. "Doc"

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:09 pm
by Oz
Whew... you picked a hotly contested issue.

I shot an Izzy (non-M) as my one and only pistol up until about 6 months ago. Near the end I was shooting low 540's (in training). 520's in competition. (That's another story.)

The Izzy is solid, built like a tank. It is nose-heavy as well, but very capable. The cost/performance ratio is off the chart. There is nothing that can compare.

For this reason, I believe it is a great pistol with which to start shooting. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to a new shooter. It also doesn't require the purchase any additional gear for propellant. (SCUBA tanks or CO2 or a hand pump.) Keeping the initial as well as operating costs to nothing.

The main reason to use the Izzy is to find out if you're going to be a serious enough shooter to go beyond the 520's or go beyond 6-months.

Until then, a newbie simply won't appreciate the difference a more expensive pistol will provide anyway. This is where the argument comes in. There are many shooters on this board that believe a new shooter should have the best from day one.

Another reason I disagree is that a new shooter doesn't have a CLUE as to what pistol is going to be best for them. If you shoot an Izzy for 6 months or so, you'll meet other shooters at matches and you'll get to know them. Soon they'll let you try out their gear and soon, you'll learn the nuisances and differences between more expensive match pistols. Only then can a new shooter can make an informed decision as to which pistol is best for _them_ to purchase. It's either that, or the Izzy will be on a shelf gathering dust because the individual didn't have the interest to continue shooting. And that's an argument I've heard too. A higher quality pistol is more fun and will keep the shooter involved in the sport. I completely disagree with that as well. The only reason someone will continue to shoot after 6-months is because they have that internal drive to become better. Not because their gun is shiny and expensive.


Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:32 pm
by Rover

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:00 pm
by Ted
Don't forget that a junior at the PPP junior olympic championships held at Camp Perry just last month beat everyone that had all the latest/greatest air pistols with an IZZY!


Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:13 pm
by Russ

izh 46

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:30 pm
by jmessina
Why does everyone blame the gun? Plan each shot and follow thru on your plan. Rear sight, front sight, trigger = a 10. Be consistent. Pick your spots on the floor and keep your feet in their place.

Re: My score was 576 with IZH

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:19 am
by Oz
Russ wrote:I shot with IZH 46M 576 at USAS PTO

how far have you gone with an IZH 46 M?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:33 am
by 1008mod
Thank you for your replies gentlemen. In my brief experience at ten meter air pistol I also have out shot a guy with an LP 10. It wasn't a match it was just that he was practicing on the next lane and I was shooting with the good ole Baikal. After some twenty odd pellets, we compared targets and my group was much smaller.

I was not disparaging the pistol , I just wanted to know more. Thank you once again for clearing things up for me.



Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:43 am
by Spencer
in the words of Harry Garmes (George C Scott) in The Last Run...

it ain't always the horse: sometimes it's the rider


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:10 am
by David Levene
Spencer wrote: it ain't always the horse: sometimes it's the rider
How very true Spencer, at both ends of the scale.


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:54 am
by izzy2
I have a friend that is a world class shooter, and just sold two guns that cost him over $1500.00 each to buy an Izzy. He is shooting as well or better than before. I personally am waiting on my 46M, and currently shoot an Izzy side pump rifle. Believe me, it out shoots me!!!!!! At tied down bench, it puts 5 round in the same EXACT hole. My last round of practice, I shot six perfect bulls, and six nines, on an NRA target. I am very anxious to get mine and start tuning and practicing. By the way, My Wife shoots a Daisy 888, and it is shooting as well as My Izzy rifle, and she loves it. Aim well and squuueeeeze the round off. BULLSEYE!!!!!! Roy

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:02 pm
by MrBorland
Hi, folks. Long time lurker; first post.

Good thread. I've been bitten by the 10m Air bug lately, have a 46M, and wondered the same as the OP. I'm thinking about it much less lately, though.

I started 10m a few months ago. I shoot daily in my yard but have yet to shoot in a formal match. My daily practice includes dry fire and 20-shot "mini matches". The thing is, and the primary reason I stopped thinking about an upgraded gun, is that I realized the gun isn't my problem yet - losing focus and consistently throwing a few "silly" points away is. My 10-match average is around 183, but I know I'm a 187 shooter - I'm doing it at times, and hope to start knocking at 190 - but I also know that I invariably lose a few points to a jerked trigger, the uninvited "idiot" thought, etc. (add some real match pressure to that, and I'm sure I'd lose even more points).

I shot my first 600 point "match" at home over the weekend by shooting 3 mini-matches consecutively. After a 187 and 185 I figured I was on route to a 555. Nope. Got stupid and fatigued and shot a 175 for a 547.

My point is, I firmly believe my 46M is certainly capable of taking me to 555 and beyond, but there are gains to be made simply by learning to stop consistently throwing points away.

Match Air Pistols

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:19 pm
by Popeye
I started with an IZH-46M imported from Pilkguns a few years ago. It shoots as well as any top air pistol, and its weight is useful for physically training one's arm for general target shooting fitness!

However, a drawback one has to consider is that it is a cranker, so during matches there is another distraction and additional movement to work into the match routine.

I now use a Steyr LP10 for competition and most AP training, but have kept the IZH46M for outdoor use.....

Happy Shooting

new used Izzy

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:47 pm
by izzy2
Just received my pistol today, and see the work ahead on the grips. I knew it would be a job in progress. I fired about 50 rounds tonight, and the groups were not great, but have not fired a pistol in more than three months. At bench rest the groups were not bad, but not great yet. I just need more of that stuff called practice. I do believe that once the grips fit me as they should, I will see an improvement in my scores. My Izzy rifle is shooting VERY WELL right now. Out of twelve shots, I generally get 7 bulls and 5 nines. Just need to practice more!!!!! Aim straight and shoot well. Roy

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:23 pm
by Stephen51861
I have been shooting my Izzy for about one year now. The last match I entered, 8-22-09, I fired a 550. Today in practice I finally fired my first 50 and followed it with a 49. The gun is very capable of excelent scores, it is the shooter I have found to be the weak link.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:16 am
by LukeP
I trade my izzy for an Lp10 (need cash to buy it), last 3 days i tried scoring hard with it, and make several 568-569. To reach the same score with lp10, 1 year passed.