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Shooting Pants in Prone??

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:19 pm
by Aaron M
Are there any distinctive advantages using shooting pants while shooting prone? I guess having another lair between your body and the ground could be an advantage but I don't know after that...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:41 am
by tsokasn
I've seen a lot of pictures (and live) of shooters shooting without shooting trousers(in prone match only)
In 3x40 they all wear their shooting trousers.
But I would also like to hear someone's experienced opinion.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:05 pm
by Guest
Whenever possible I wear shorts when shooting prone. Cooler than trousers, and more skin surface to feel wind velocity. Be careful of sunburn, however, and also of biting insects.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:01 pm
by Soupy44
A little off topic to start with here, but shooting boots were originally designed by the British for prone. They felt like they shot better with that foot upright.

As for pants in prone, most people I know that do it only do it in the 3x20 and 3x40 matches. It saves time during change-overs not having to put pants and boots on. So there is one reason to do it.

Another is feel. I'll get to support later. One of my juniors shot all of prone at Perry with his pants on because he likes the feel of them. That's his call.

As for support, I've never tried it for an extended period of time. I've shot prone my whole life in athletic shorts (even if it's in the 30s and snowing, I have witnesses). The few times I have tried it, I felt more restricted than supported. I definitely felt weighed down, which could translate to more supported, but I couldn't change my NPA like I wanted.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:48 pm
by BerryK
Advantage of a pant in prone is also the use of the grip on your bottom. It prevents the sliding of the jacket in position and thus keeps you on center for a longer period. Another advantage is that it will fit the same all the time (not like jeans which are smaller when recently washed).

Pants in Prone

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:39 am
by BartP
I have experimented with this specific topic deliberately. I have a medical condition that has forced me to address it. At USA Shooting matches (Ft Benning), it is easy to shoot with your pants. There is no target changing. The surface is concrete and the Unit provides a mat. Almost ALL the members of the Unit shoot the 60 shots and the final in their pants. I do, however, think that this is subject to personal preference. In reality, they shoot 3P with their pants on and therefore having the pants ON is part of their normal training. Thus the pants are a part of their position. I do as the Unit does. When I shoot with my pants on, I fell tighter and more secure. I also know that there is a significant layer of material between myself and the ground. It can't be bad to have an extra layer between the ground and any possible body-pulse.

With that said, I was very close to the Unit shooting at Perry this year. Only about a 3rd (if that) used their pants. I do not recall Joe Hein (the winner of both 3P and Prone) wearing his during the prone matches and I did not see Shane B with his on either. The ground at Perry is more forgiving. It is soft and grassy. Any body-pulse would prob be absorbed quickly. I chose NOT to wear my pants. Between the number of target changes and movement of equipment, I thought it best to avoid the extra effort. I did wear them at the Maine State Championships a week later. It felt much much better. In hindsight, I wish I had worn them at Perry. It just felt better.

Like Soupy says, for some people wearing pants just feels better. But if you are a serious shooter, you should use every possible moment to test and test and test. Make the pants a variable in your practice and your matches. It can't hurt. I test EVERYHTHING over and over. This goes for ammo, recoil, clothing, head positions, buttplate configurations - EVERYTHING. A good way to test this topic would be to hook up to your SCATT or your NOPTEL to compare your holds. Bp