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training trigger pull with rubber band

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:07 pm
by seamaster
one of my shooting friend gave me a rubber band. It is a tourniquet rubber band (1 inch wide) for blood drawing.

He said wrap this on the trigger finger and practice trigger pull.

Has any one heard of this practice? How do I do it properly without injuring my trigger finger tendon? Should I do this pull statically (tension without moving) or dynamically (active moving pull)?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:13 pm
by azuaro
Dear Seamaster,

You most likely have enough strength in your trigger finger for pulling any competition trigger...

If you really need to exercise your fingers, you are much better off getting a GRIPMASTER; you will then be able to also exercise your gripping fingers.

The best way to "exercise-train" your trigger finger and your brain is by dry firing your pistol while aiming at a target; most times than not you will be able to tell where exactly is that you released your shot.

A Rika home trainer or similar are also good alternatives but they don't come cheap...

Wait and see what other members recommend, there are a lot of experienced competitors/shooters in this forum who know better.



Post Subject

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:11 am
by 2650 Plus
If you must use this rubber band as a training device under no circumstances should you tense your finger without moving against the tension of the band. This is a great way to develope a real chicken finger. Tha above poster is giving you solid advice. Dry fire, Dry fire , Dry fire . Reserch and find Steve Swartz Ideas on developing the perfect squeese. Dont expect his ideas on subconsious release of the shot to work until you have been doing his training regimen for more than ten years. [IMHO maybe never.] Good Shooting Bill Horton