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Please vote for this Olympic Hall of Fame Nominee

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:39 am
by A L Jones
Dear Friends,

Here is an information page that we made up about my friend Willye B. White.
She was a very dear friend and a tremendous individual.

She was a 5 time Olympian and medalist in Track and field and was the first recipient of the IOC Coubertin award for Sportsmanship.

Following her Olympic Career, she trained as a nurse and worked as a nurse in Chicago. She spent the rest of her life teaching and running Sports and Health programs for youth in underserved areas in Chicago through the City of Chicago and Park District programs.

In addition to this work, each year she hosted a dinner through her foundation that showcased a girl from each school in the greater Chicago area and suburbs who was the best female scholar/athlete/leader. Each athlete was honored and given a support and scholarships through a variety of businesses and organizations.

She was very supportive of all athletes she knew and was especially supportive to me through Modern Pentathlon.
Together we co-sponsored a Modern Pentathlon Challenge Day event through the Chicago New City YMCA an event that drew over a hundred Chicago and suburban youth! This is the first and only UIPM supported Modern Pentathlon event hosted in the city of Chicago ever to my knowledge. She attended the Modern Pentathlon Olympic event in Sydney Australia, I believe this was the last Olympic event she ever attended.

She helped me tremendously through my work with the Illinois State Medical Association and the AMA to help create and then pass legislation that helped address performance enhancing drug issues that were negatively effecting youth, athletes and our patients. With her help, we were able to get the 'Ephedra and Steroid Control Act of 2006' Hatch-R/Biden-D passed in the fall of 2006 and signed into law by President Bush. Willye lost her race to pancreatic cancer in the spring of 2007.

Willye is a nominee to the United States Olympic Hall of Fame 2009. There are many tremendous nominees, but she is my favorite because of how she left such an amazing life and left such a legacy to sports, leadership and health care and athlete/patient safety.

You can e-vote through the or web site and follow the tabs for 'Hall of Fame Voting'.
Voting closes Tuesday June 16th, so please vote and forward this along if you know of another individual who may wish to vote also.

In Olympic Spirit,

United States Anti-Doping Task Force, 1996-2000
IOC-EU CAFDIS project, 2000-2004


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:52 pm
by aurorapolice02_11
Doctor Jones, is that you?

Mike Douglass

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:41 am
by Thinkqob