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Ten Ring Service - Help

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:02 pm
by dlinden
After calling in advance, I sent my Anschutz sight in for sevice and repair. When the anticipated time for repair was passed, I called back and was told that my order would be next. Each time speaking to the same woman who completes the service. It has now been several months and there is nobody that answers calls. The message box is full. I have called numerous times to no avail. The business number is 904-724-7419 and main person listed is Steve Moore.

Does anyone have any information as to their whereabouts or other methods for reaching them? At this point I am quite frustrated and disappointed.

Dennis Lindenbaum


Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:04 pm
by laxratnd
Try this number for 10 ring, the guys name is tod, 706-647-5941, i have his card so i figured you should give him a try, i dont know if your going to get in contact with him either but hey its worth a try.

Last time i herd Steve moore was not doing well health wise and this is why you are having hard time getting in contact. I herd he is not in good shape at all.

Hopefully he pulls through.

Let me know if that number works out for you.


Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:51 pm
by dblinden
lax -
Thanks - that contact information was very helpful. Todd is going to help me out. - Dennis


Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:33 pm
by laxratnd
did tod say anything about steve moore and what not.



Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:32 am
by pilkguns
For the record, Pilkington Competition is also an Anschutz repair center with parts and fixtures for sights, triggers, actions and accessories. I of course was a gunmsith at the '96 and '00 Olympic Games with numerous times of factory training at Ulm and various World Cups. Buck Parson, who works for me, has had similar factory training and experience.

Chuck Gartland, long time AMU gunsmith and 2004 Olympic Team gunsmith is also becoming a Anschutz service center. Chuck is based out of Columbus GA and we will be working together him to take care of matches at FT Benning, Camp Perry and other locations of major matches.