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Binoculars or spotting scope?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:00 pm
by John Kasaian
I'd like to check my target in between shots, especially when training for the free pistol.

It would seem like having a strong enough pair of binoculars at hand would be the least disruptive method?

In Standl's Pistol Shooting As A Sport there is a photograph of a free pistol shooter with just such a set up.

I was wondering how powerful a pair of binoculars would be needed to spot .22 holes at 50 meters yet still be hand holdable?
If it were so powerful I'd need a tripod for support I fugure I might as well stick with a spotting scope.


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:45 pm
by Freepistol
Stay with the spotting scope. I would think picking them up and putting them down would be very disruptive and if you would happen to look at the wrong target, it could ruin your day.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:46 pm
by little_doodie
vewing shots at 50 feet a pair of binoculars will work but at 50 meters it may get a little tough.
I coach 50 feet with a good pair of binoculars at 9x power and it works fine but I would suggest a 20x for 50 meters.
20x is too much for hand held.
The best solution is spotting scope with an adjustable stand so you don't need to break position but alot more $$