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10m AP Gloves and Practicing

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:24 pm
by cloudswimmer
Hi all, well I've had this new IZH-46m for a few days now and just can't put the thing down.Being out of work right now on disability affords me the luxury of having too much time on my hands.So is it possible to practice too much?I know practice of bad habits is not good.I have copied all the training articles from pilk into a binder and have read and re-read all the articles and am trying to apply these shooting techniques and mental concepts while I shoot.

Another question is regarding gloves.When shooting large bore handguns I always wear a padded glove for recoil.When shooting smaller bore handguns like .357 or .22 I prefer to wear super thin nighthawk tatctical nitrile gloves as I like the no slip grip feel it gives and it helps keep the lead off the hands.Scanning all the photos and videos online of 10m AP shooters I have never seen one shooter with a glove on.If I were ever to entertain shooting in a 10m AP match, would it be legal to wear a thin nitrile glove?
