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Hammerli SP-20 frame cracks...precisely what is cracking?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:45 pm
by Mike M.
I'm considering buying a SP-20 RRS, but am concerned about the frame issues. Precisely what is cracking? Are we talking about the part the barrel is mounted to (i.e., the receiver - the part which is legally a firearm in the U.S.), or the subframe the grip is mounted on (and is part of the grip, apparently)?

And is just an issue in .32, or in .22 as well?


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:33 pm
by Steve Swartz
Nothing is cracking.

As long as you properly adjust teh buffer system.

Hey, I know it's a hassle, but take 10 minutes to read the owner's manual fer cryin out loud.

Covered in this forum before. Like "Oh Noooooo Killer Anschutz Cylinders" it is definitely a Zombie thread*.

*no way to kill it with mere facts and data- the story truly walks among the living, as dead

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:39 pm
by Steve Swartz
Sorry for the diatribe Mike. I assumed others were going to jump in and answer your specific question.

The sp20 has an adjustable resistance recoil buffer system. It has to be adjusted by the user. If it isn't properly adjusted, and "hot" loads are used, the steel slide will hammer on the aluminium frame slots.

The aft portion of the frame slots will eventually crack if you continue to shoot the gun without properly adjusting the buffer.

AFAIK not an issue with the .22LR, as target loads are all pretty standard.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:07 am
by Shootist
even .22's do crack - I saw one last week in my club

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:52 pm
by EdStevens
My SP-20 was purchased four or five years ago, so it's not the most current, but it's broken many times -- including the frame cracking twice -- and the slide breaking in two. I did have issues with the recoil buffer system -- the adjusting screw kept breaking and breaking -- that prevented me from using it, so I confess to that, but only because it kept breaking. So call me a zombie. :-)

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:15 pm
by Steve Swartz
Ed and All:

1. Thanks about the info on the .22s- do they have the same adjustable buffer system as the .32s?

2. I've had mine since 2003. Put a case of Lapua and a case of Fiocchi through it in the first year. At least 3 cases of each since then. And a couple of cases of some stuff in a blue box called "Geco." Replaced the bolt seal once. 100% trouble free.

Oh, I never shot reloads in it- just factory Fiocchi and Lapua; and that Geco stuff.

I guess I just got lucky.

Does anyone have any actual numbers on this- I mean overall- so it's not just my personal experience with one gun vs. other "horror stories?"

Like everyone else, I always get suspicious when "conventional wisdom" goes contrary to what I see with my own eyes.

And the "Hoofbeats = Horses" explanation in this case seems to be leaning toward the improperly adjusted buffer explanation.

Agreed 100% that building a gun that requires the user to adjust the recoil system was a REALLY BAD IDEA in the first place . . .

Frames cracking

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:20 pm
by SP 20 user
I got my SP 20 shortly after they came out. A black one ser # less than one hundered, and have put thousands of rounds through it in both 22 and 32. The only problem that I had was my fault. I load my own and double charged a round well I sent it to Larry's. He replaced the barrel {buldge] grip and mag. When the round went off it sent mag flying. No problem with slide nor frame.
Would I buy another Yes, but I don't think that I need to
Steve the main gun is the same. Like many I just convert mine, takes only a couple of minutes. Change barrel and shroud,and switch slides. The mags are also different. I leave the 32 feed ramp in for both.