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Champion Shooting Glasses vs. Knoblochs

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:09 pm
by brshtr
I am trying to decide between Champions and Knoblochs. This would be for prone smallbore only. The Champions appear to be more adjustable but also cost more. Having not owned these types of glasses I don't know whether the additional adjustability is important.

Which would you choose and why?

Thank you,
Dave Rabin

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:17 am
by corning

I have owned a set of Knoblochs for the past 15 years or so. It took me a bit to get them adjusted, but once I did so, I haven't had to change them, and they have held the adjustment well. I have been using them for smallbore and high power rifle competition.

As an aside, when I purchased mine, I was told that both sets of frames where comparable, in terms of adjustments and durability. What did you find different between them? What adjustments can be made with the Champions that cannot be made with the Knoblochs?


Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:36 am
by Jason
I have really bad eyes (-9.25R, -9.75L) so being able to position the lens at the proper focal length for my eyes is critical to a good sight picture.

I looked at both frames and went for Champions precisely because they were so much more adjustable than the Knoblochs. I have an older pair of Champions -- World Champion 2, I think -- and they're great. I like the nose piece height adjustment but the key is being able to position the lens exactly as needed.

I took the frames into my optometrist and he helped me figure out focal length, my astigmatism and then we positioned the lens properly in relation to my rear rights (I'm a rifle shooter). I didn't use the funky cone that came with my lens, but I don't think it's ever hurt my sight picture.

So my vote goes for Champion -- they might be a bit more money, but their World Champion frames are more adjustable than the Knoblochs without getting stupid finicky like their Olympic Champion frames.
