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Rear Anschutz sight problem

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:06 pm
by durant7
So. I get invited to shoot a 60 shot match for a team. I guess they were desperate. Anyway, sighting in I find I'm high. Grab onto the top knob to turn down. Nada. Out of stupidity and some desperation now on my part I crank it hard and see little pieces coming out/off the sight. Seem the ballbearing is siezed and it is nicely chopping off the tabs that make the detents. GREAT!

So. Where do I go to school on how to take it apart? Where do I get a new part? How do I even begin to figure out what to order?


Oh, well. I just tried to hold low on the bull and managed a 539 which is not bad for me. Stinks by serious shooters' standards.


Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:43 pm
by laxratnd
I would not attempt to fix it yourself and you would have a hard time finding parts as they are imported. I would send it to 10 ring service in FL, and have them do the repair. He will do an excellent job and it will seem better then new when hes done. His number is 904-724-7419
