ISSF rule question about contacts and glasses

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Bill Poole
Posts: 435
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ISSF rule question about contacts and glasses

Post by Bill Poole »

I scanned thru the issf rules at

they say the shooter can wear corrective glasses, presumably contacts are permitted too. (no correction on the gun)

How about both contacts and glasses at the same time

for example, wearing one's street prescription contacts and then +0.5 or so for pistol shooting so a middle aged guy can actually SEE that thing on the front of the barrel

is this permitted? or against the rules (and if so, which rule?)

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Post by Spencer »

Sleep peacefully tonight - there is no problem with this combination for open sights.


For Running Target (i.e. with telescopic sights) there has been some conjecture that a shooter MIGHT combine 'funny' contacts with a 'funny' scope (max 4x) to give the effect of more than 4x magnification.
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