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How to break into 10m Air Pistol

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:26 pm
by kevin gibson

Glad I found this forum, you don't know how hard it is to find specific information on target shooting.

I'm wanting to get into 10m Air Pistol, but I can't find any specific information on clubs or matches in my area. I live in Northwest Arkansas and I'm willing to travel 100 miles if necessary.

Can anyone help me out?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:26 pm
by Steve Swartz
The NRA (I hope you know who they are) and USA Shooting (national governing body for olympic shooting) both maintain databases of clubs and competitions across North America (and beyond).

If you need specific links etc. feel free to email me at

Welcome to the gang!

Re: How to break into 10m Air Pistol

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:29 pm
by Guest
kevin gibson wrote:Glad I found this forum, you don't know how hard it is to find specific information on target shooting.
actually kevin i'm in the same boat, just in southern california, so what i did was join USAS and it opened up a list of matches in my district, which otherwise i could not find online, not without making myself dizzy. have you decided on a pistol yet?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:29 pm
by kevin gibson
Probably the Izzy until I catch my steps.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:34 pm
by mikio
kevin gibson wrote:Probably the Izzy until I catch my steps.
do you mean the izh-46m? i was thinking the same until someone told me i would have to *pump* every load. we'll see. i'm taking baby steps too but not by choice. i still can't find a club or coach to train me. how about you?

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:09 am
by pmessina
Hi Kevin,

I recently broke into 10m pistol after shooting rifle for quite a while (I still shoot rifle). I also use an IZH-46M and it is a great pistol for the price. Even though you have to pump each shot it is not a problem as the mechanism is very easy, at least compared to an air rifle.

There are lots of opportunities down here in Texas where I live. there is an organization (NASSA) that is located in Dallas that hosts quarterly PTO's. In addition, there are quarterly PTO's in Rosenberg, TX (just outside of Houston) as well as the USA Shooting Zone 8 and USA Shooting Souuthwest Regional Championships.

Comparison IZH-46 to FWB 65?

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:15 am
by Alexander
It may seem a silly question to the "the newer-the-better" type of readers, to whom I would like to apologize in advance... but how would in your opinion the IZH-46(M) compare in usability, error tolerance (there are air pistols that are very shooter-friendly, and there are those who are unforgiving) and ease of pumping, to the venerable FWB 65, which is the granddaddy of them all, and is still a standard of comparison for many older shooters?

Thanks, Alexander

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:05 am
by sbtzc
I have an IZH-46M and have put a lot of rounds through it. Mostly as practice in the garage. It is very accurate, and is capable of good 10M scores. The grip is huge and begs to be modified. The trigger is fantastic right out of the box. The sights are good, and it comes with several different blades for both ends. The rear site has very fine adjustments - at least 3 clicks to the ring. It is easy to cock and load. It has a dry-fire ability. It will take a newbie a long, long time to outgrow this pistol. It can be had new for around $350 shipped.

The downsides; the trigger is very hard to adjust. Some of the screws are nearly impossible to turn. Some of the screw heads strip easily. I had to drill out the screw that allows one to move the trigger back and forth. Some screws, the rear sight blade for example, are left-hand threaded. It is very front-end heavy with all the mechanics forward.

Site with links to documentation and how to's ->

I have been looking for a PCP pistol for some time. World class 10M pistols are are at least $1500 and even used ones are over $1000 (and you never know what you are getting). With that in mind, the IZZY is pretty much a no-brainer.

Just my 2ยข

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:14 am
by Alexander
Many thanks for your kind input first, sbtzc.
FYI, the price for a used Feinwerkbau 65 is about 150 to 250 Euros in Germany (cheaper if you are lucky) and you can plaster the streets with them. You might have to throw in another 50-75 Euros for a revision of the valve. The rest does not age; ever.


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:22 am
by Fred Mannis
I echo sbtzc's comments on the IZH-46M. In addition to the downsides he describes, there is the muzzle heavy balance of the gun. The FWB103 overcomes this major drawback with a removable cocking handle. I find the 103 to be a very 'forgiving' gun to shoot and is, in my opinion, currently the best of the SSP pistols. Unfortuneately, I understand that it is no longer in production.


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:18 pm
by jbull6
How far do you live from Tulsa, Ok. I know they have a club there. I think it is called Red Castle. There is also a club in Oklahoma City that holds monthly PTO events for pistol.


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:36 pm
by BPBrinson
The 65 is a great pistol, I know one shooter that shoots 565-570 with one. You would have to work harder to get to world class level with one, but the same could be said about the IZH. Both are capable pistols. Fit and finish puts the FWB in a much higher class though. IZH finish is like a very useful farm implement. The 65 is slightly easier to cock,(sounds like you are winding a good clock).


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:22 pm
by kevin gibson
jbull6 wrote:How far do you live from Tulsa, Ok. I know they have a club there. I think it is called Red Castle. There is also a club in Oklahoma City that holds monthly PTO events for pistol.
It's a good 3.5 hour drive for me...Might be worth it on occasion though. Still mulling the whole thing over.

IZH-46M air pistol

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:36 am
by Alexander
Here is an interesting older thread on the IZH-46M in comparison:

Might be helpful, too.
