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Home Country Favouritism?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:53 am
by David Levene
I don't think so, at least not in the Rapid Fire Pistol Shooting.

One Chinese shooter got a 2 point penalty and the other was disqualified.

Both were for breaches of

Well done to the Range Officers and Jury.

"If a shooter raises his arm too soon, or does not lower it sufficiently (see and in the 25 m Rapid Fire Pistol Event or in the Rapid Fire Stage of the 25 m Pistol or 25 m Center Fire Pistol Event, or in the combined 20 seconds and 10 seconds stages of the 25 m Standard Pistol Event he must be warned by a Jury Member (see, and the series must be recorded and repeated. In the 25 m Rapid Fire Pistol Event the shooter must be credited with the lowest value hit on each target. In all other 25 m events, the shooter must be credited with the five (5) lowest value hits in the two series (or three series should a malfunction be involved). If the fault is repeated in the same stage of 30 shots the same procedure must be applied and the shooter must be penalized by a deduction of two (2) points from his score. If a third infringement of this Rule occurs, the shooter must be disqualified (see Rule"

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:35 am
by Steve Swartz
Grossly present in purely subjective stuff like Gymnastics (as always).

Detectably present in moderately subjective stuff like Basketball.

Generally absent in more objective stuff like (real) swimming, shooting and the soon to be seen track and field.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:57 am
by Richard H
Give me a break. The Olympics are in Beijing, the judges and officials aren't all Chinese, just because some talking heads watching on a TV from one angle don't agree that doesn't make it so. I hate judged sports, but this claim that the judging is against the US is a crock. I'll even give the judging may be poor, but to insinuate bias is just wrong.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:52 am
by JulianY
Richard H wrote:Give me a break. The Olympics are in Beijing, the judges and officials aren't all Chinese, just because some talking heads watching on a TV from one angle don't agree that doesn't make it so. I hate judged sports, but this claim that the judging is against the US is a crock. I'll even give the judging may be poor, but to insinuate bias is just wrong.
I am afraid it's not that simple, at least not in the shotgun. Not being a shot gun shooter , i don't know the full structure exactly but the have ref's and a jury. apparently it's normal for all the refs to be from the host country. both the Russians and the Australians complained.

see ... 46912.aspx

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:24 am
by Steve Swartz

It took me a week, but I figured out what you meant.

I wasn't implying *Chinese* favoritism. Just "Home Country" favoritism; and sometimes "Anti Country We Don't Like" dis-favoritism.

Ask your countrymen about French and Russian judges and Canadian pairs figure skating . . .

It has always been so and always will be. Subjective scoring is fraught with bias; even if the judges are honeslty trying to be objective.

The IOC is continually struggling with improving scoring procedures.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:30 pm
by methosb
Russell Mark has been very vocal about the dodgy things that went on over there. Says that officials were calling hits for a Chinese shooter when he missed on two different occasions. Also says that they had sent over ammo from Italy so that they wouldn't have to shoot with the crap stuff that they were supplying at the Olympics and that they were told that it never arrived, only to see the Chinese shooters with it when they rocked up.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:16 pm
by mikeschroeder

Do a search on the Grecco Roman wrestler who tossed his Bronze medal. A lot of people think that the whole FILA Olympic Wrestling thing is more crooked that a Chicago politician and just as fake as the WWF. Wrestling forums (didn't keep the links) are especially interesting.


Wichita KS

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:36 am
by rrpc
The ISSF shotgun rules are a bit of a mess tbh, they need to be rebuilt from scratch.

The whole system of refs should be scrapped for a more objective system based on camera technology rather than the subjective opinion of a referee who could be biased in some way.