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Morini CM 22 RapidFire

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:34 am
by MG2-owner
Some time ago Morini unleashed new versions of their CM 22 models.
The former models reportedlly had some issues, as covered in my post in the SSP-thread.

Before purchasing the new CM 22, i would appreciate reports from actual firing af the gun.
You are herebye invited to forward your comments from real life shooting the CM 22s.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:27 am
by jipe
Read my post in your SSP thread: what I posted is for the latest CM22M model, i.e. the rapid fire version, its type name is CM22M RF.

I shoot with it since begin of May (pistol bought new in April without grip, had to wait for the Rink grip), it has now about 2000 shots, so no real feedback about its reliability.

I do not think that you will have many feedback since few pistols were made/sold: currently sold CM22M RF pistols have serial numbers around 50.

You can find information here:

Sorry, it is not in English, I do not know any test of the CM22M RF in English.

May be one remark about the issues with the CM22M: this pistol is on the market since about 1999/2000. The type name remained the same since then, i.e. CM22M, but there were several evolutions applied to it so that feedback concerning the early models is not valid for current ones. Since end 2007, Morini has two models: CM22M (available with steel frame or alloy frame) and CM22M RF (only alloy frame).

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:36 am
by MG2-owner
Thanks for your informative links, "jipe".
I was surprizedet find that with the french language I was tougt decades ago at shool, I was able to extract most of the info in that in-depth going french article.

Yes, the correct nomination is CM22 M and CM22 M r.f.

Re: Morini CM 22 RapidFire

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:16 pm
by Moriniowner
MG2-owner wrote:Some time ago Morini unleashed new versions of their CM 22 models.
The former models reportedlly had some issues, as covered in my post in the SSP-thread.

Before purchasing the new CM 22, i would appreciate reports from actual firing af the gun.
You are herebye invited to forward your comments from real life shooting the CM 22s.
Yes I got one! It´s fantastic! Not everyone favor/like the steep angle of the grip. (I love it) My serialnumber is close to 100, and it is a new model. No problems so far.
Because of all the possible ways of adjusting the grip it took a while to tweek it the way I like it.

It returns VERY quickly to the right aim after each shot. You can feel the jolt (right word?) in the shoulder, not so much in the wrist. (this is beacuse the steep angle of the grip)
Because this steep angle of the wrist, the wrist i locked, and very stable!
It´s difficult to describe the sensation holding the CM22RF you really need to try it!

Watch Ragnar Scanaker shooting the RF

Re: Morini CM 22 RapidFire

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:37 pm
by jipe
Moriniowner wrote: My serialnumber is close to 100, and it is a new model. No problems so far.
Interesting, when did you buy it ? Where are you located (US, Europe...) ?

As said mine was bought in April and has serial number close to 50 with an "A" after the number.

I have also seen the video of Scanaker but forgot to mention it.

I also like a lot the steep angle of the grip but I know that several people, especially in the US, do not like that.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:12 pm
by LukeP
Is cm22rf switable also for standard pistol time, or is too much RF dedicated?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:47 pm
by Moriniower
LukeP wrote:Is cm22rf switable also for standard pistol time, or is too much RF dedicated?
I shoot only standard. Location is Sweden. CM22RF bought feb 2008.


Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:17 pm
by Moriniowner
Forgot to mention:
I do not see a problem using the CM22RF as a "standard pistol"
The recoilbuffer in combination with the light slide makes "follow through" eg easy to tell where the shot went.

+ Easy disassembly/reasembly
+ Easy gripadjustment
+ Recoil buffer adjustment for different types of ammo
+ Easy construction
+ Cheep trainingammo (eg CCI standard) can be used
+ Reliable. (so far) (not really a new construction)
(Some reports suggest that a wrongly set recoil-spring (to firm setting) will cause problem to eject shells. Easy to tweek=minor problem)
+ Absolutely stunning regarding looks and feel
+ Basically everyting is "tweekable" trigger, grip, recoilspring and so forth

- a bit to light without the weights. (900 grams) (1060 with weights)
- weights must be removed in order to dismantle the pistol

In conclusion: My biggest love so far (apart from my son and daughter) :)



Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:23 pm
by Renback
OT: "Moriniowner" is now registred as "Renback" which is my surname.
Firstname is "Toby"

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:38 pm
by jipe
My experience is similar:
- I also use CCI standard for training without any jamming. I didn't had the need to adjust the recoil spring for any of the ammunition I use.
- I use it mainly for standard. It is not a pure RF pistol.
- I shoot with two of the three supplied additional weights, so one less than Renback.

The distributor in Belgium had probably some CM22M RF in stock since mine, bought later, has a lower serial number.

If you want to see the CM22M used for standard, look at the ISSF video of the Munich WC 25m women final, the winner Wenjun Guo uses a CM22M, not sure that it is a RF, but it is a new one, she was also in the Sydney WC final last year also shooting with a CM22M but another one.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:50 pm
by David Levene
jipe wrote:If you want to see the CM22M used for standard, look at the ISSF video of the Munich WC 25m women final, the winner Wenjun Guo uses a CM22M, not sure that it is a RF, but it is a new one, she was also in the Sydney WC final last year also shooting with a CM22M but another one.
Hardly Standard Pistol.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:59 am
by jipe
David Levene wrote:
jipe wrote:If you want to see the CM22M used for standard, look at the ISSF video of the Munich WC 25m women final, the winner Wenjun Guo uses a CM22M, not sure that it is a RF, but it is a new one, she was also in the Sydney WC final last year also shooting with a CM22M but another one.
Hardly Standard Pistol.
Of course it is not a standard pistol event, ISSF WC has no standard pistol event but ISSF 25m women uses the same pistols as standard.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:08 am
by David Levene
jipe wrote:
David Levene wrote:
jipe wrote:If you want to see the CM22M used for standard, look at the ISSF video of the Munich WC 25m women final, the winner Wenjun Guo uses a CM22M, not sure that it is a RF, but it is a new one, she was also in the Sydney WC final last year also shooting with a CM22M but another one.
Hardly Standard Pistol.
Of course it is not a standard pistol event, ISSF WC has no standard pistol event but ISSF 25m women uses the same pistols as standard.
I agree, but you said "if you want to see the CM22M used for standard....". The requirements for behaviour of a pistol for the Standard Pistol event are different to those for the 25m Pistol women's event.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:12 am
by deadeyedick
C'mon David...we all know what Jipe meant, and his intentions were to be helpful....take one of these with a shot of Jack Daniels and it wont seem nearly as important.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:43 am
by David Levene
deadeyedick wrote:C'mon David...we all know what Jipe meant
Well I thought I did but was obviously wrong.

I do agree though that Jipe, as usual, was trying to be helpful.

A sacred piese of equipment...?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:45 am
by MG2-owner
Moriniowner wrote: -
-a bit to light without the weights. (900 grams) (1060 with weights)
- weights must be removed in order to dismantle the pistol.
Dismantle? Completely, you say?
For routine cleaning I think you just have to loosen the bolt holding the main frame and the upper frame/barrel assembly fixed? (And remove grip, preferably, but that is not imperative).

I did not use "under-lug" weights for my older CM 22 M (it was a too heavy all-steel version), but I cannot see any reason the weights have to be remuved to separate the gun into two main parts? Which is all it takes for casual "after-rangesession-cleaning"?
Moriniowner wrote:
In conclusion: My biggest love so far (apart from my son and daughter) :)
Jesus.....the RF must be some piese of equipment...

Re: A sacred piese of equipment...?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:25 pm
by Renback
MG2-owner wrote:
Moriniowner wrote: -
-a bit to light without the weights. (900 grams) (1060 with weights)
- weights must be removed in order to dismantle the pistol.
Dismantle? Completely, you say?
For routine cleaning I think you just have to loosen the bolt holding the main frame and the upper frame/barrel assembly fixed? (And remove grip, preferably, but that is not imperative).

I did not use "under-lug" weights for my older CM 22 M (it was a too heavy all-steel version), but I cannot see any reason the weights have to be remuved to separate the gun into two main parts? Which is all it takes for casual "after-rangesession-cleaning"?
Moriniowner wrote:
In conclusion: My biggest love so far (apart from my son and daughter) :)
Jesus.....the RF must be some piese of equipment...
The "underlug" weights needs to be removed in order to separate mantle from bolt.
Takes about 10 seconds with an allenwrech (key?), so not a big deal.
Rest of dismantling does not need this.
EDIT: Regarding "biggest love" Well, it doesn´t nag nag nag nag nag and the finally file for a divorce... :)

I also have the Morini CM 162 MI and the trigger on this feels very similar to the trigger in CM 22 RF.

(Sorry for the wrong choice of words. English is my second language)


Re: A sacred piese of equipment...?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:12 pm
by MG2-owner
Renback wrote:
The "underlug" weights needs to be removed in order to separate mantle from bolt.
Thanks, that clarifies the matter for me.
Renback wrote: EDIT: Regarding "biggest love" Well, it doesn´t nag nag nag nag nag and the finally file for a divorce... :)
Renback wrote: I also have the Morini CM 162 MI and the trigger on this feels very similar to the trigger in CM 22 RF.
A great post, Toby...

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:46 am
by Francesco
To be a little more precise and not too much involved in the discussion, the serial number of the pistols we are assembling now are 00250-A and up.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:20 pm
by Renback
Francesco wrote:To be a little more precise and not too much involved in the discussion, the serial number of the pistols we are assembling now are 00250-A and up.

Do you by any chance have the prefered torquevalue for the main bolt holding the "trigger housing" #022018 ??
Some users report this come loose. Any known problems/solutions regarding this?



(fantastic gun by the way, keep up the good work)