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Hammerli 150

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:14 pm
by jak10x1
What is a Hammerli 150 Free Pistol in excellent condition worth?

Thanks, John

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:40 pm
by 6string
Depends on how savvy the seller is in regard to finding the right buyer. I've seen good ones go for $700-800 and at other times well used ones go for $1000. Occasionally, people will ask outrageous amounts like $2000, but they rarely sell at this price. Larry Carter usually gets $900 to $1000, when I've seen him list them. However, he has gone over them thoroughly and you can be sure they function properly.
Review the serial # on the 10P list. Some are more desirable due to improved set trigger mechanism.
They are nice guns. Search past posts. There is lots of good info on them.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:13 pm
by slinger

- .22 LR cal., 11.3 in. barrel, improved Martini-type action, set trigger, innovative design incorporating many unusual features. Disc. 1989.

Grading 100% 98% 95% 90% 80% 70% 60%
$1,850 $1,495 $1,275 $1,120 $980 $900 $850
Last MSR was $1,980.
Add $113 for left-hand variation.
The Model 150 was replaced by the Model 151.

This is current Blue Book values,,,,,,,I am only passing the information along, and I don't want to start any price challenges here.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:57 am
by 6string
Hi Slinger,
Your pricing figures are accurate and consistent with published prices in various collector/gun value guides. I'm glad you mentioned this here. No challenges or contentions on my part, just some friendly chat! The figures I mentioned are just observations based on my own dealings over recent years. Hammerli pricing is a bit volatile, it seems. The 208s is probably the most sought after model in Hammerli's production and frequently sells for $3000 or more, double the street price when it was discontinued. The similar 215 with S trigger, about a $1000-$1100 gun when discontinued, has risen dramatically to meet demand, while any non-S trigger model (208, 211, 215) sells for much less. Like the 150, these are all discontinued so pricing is purely demand based. But the 150, like all the free pistols, is in much less demand than the 208s so the selling price is less.
I guess the lesson is for buyers and sellers to know what the market is really doing. Condition is, I think, of especially high value with Hammerli. It is a good idea to figure on service cost if condition or maintenance by the previous owner(s) is suspect. Parts and service are extraordinarily pricey. I returned an old model 100 free pistol I had on approval because the service cost to address a few issues not disclosed at the time of purchase would have exceeded what I paid for the gun. Most Hammerlis, at least the all steel stuff, are well built and durable. But neglect and poor maintenance is pretty hard on them.
By the way, I think I recently saw a Hammerli 152 electronic sell on Gunbroker for about $600 (?) in nice condition. Nice deal!

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:16 pm
by Mark Briggs
Mmmm... Don't want to sound too argumentative here, but I find the comments on TenP concerning earlier versions of the Hammerli 150 set trigger to be, well, perhaps overly critical. Mind you, my experience is limited to only two different trigger units and one very early S/N pistol. I find this early trigger doesn't have any characteristics which would cause me to complain. Keep in mind that I make these comments after also owning several Toz35's, and while still actively shooting my CM84E. The Hammerli 150 trigger, even in the early models, isn't a bad trigger at all. The later ones might be better, but the early ones certainly are not something one should intentionally avoid purchasing.

hammerli model 100

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:47 am
by Guest
Does anybody know what a model 100 free pistol with an octagon barrel with the markings of Olympic rings and indicative of Swiss shooting team is worth?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:06 pm
by Freepistol
I saw that one, too. It's interesting, but the grip is in sad shape. Personally, I wouldn't go more than 600, but I'm not really a collector. I like to shoot 'em.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:40 pm
by patro5
Freepistol, the olympic rings on the older hammerli free pistols mean that some one used thier free pistol to win an olypic gold medal, it is not indicative of the Swiss team using that hammerli free pistol at the olympics.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:22 am
by Freepistol
patro5 wrote:Freepistol, the olympic rings on the older hammerli free pistols mean that some one used thier free pistol to win an olypic gold medal, it is not indicative of the Swiss team using that hammerli free pistol at the olympics.
I only said it was "interesting" not why.
I like European pistols.