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Toz 35 The first 200 rounds

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:36 am
by tpow
Last Sunday at the club I picked up the Toz 35 that was sent to the club armour, and that I had been waiting a few months for!!
The seller had been working on the pistol!!. Well the wait had been worth the while. It's so simple and built for the task.
And it shoots just sooo well. Alex had set the trigger so light that it would go off just looking at it, well may be not that light. Any way after one turn clockwise of the trigger adjusting screw it was fine.
Boy 50m is a long way out after shooting air at 10 and sport/standard at 25 meters. The first 50 shoots were all over the target.
But a after few sessions and more rounds at lest most are in the black!! A great pistol and very Russian built to do the job.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:45 pm
by toznerd
They are a thing of wonder, aren't they? I got one about a month ago and fired 10 test rounds to get it on the bull at 25 yards, 2 weeks later. I shot it in a match a week after that. Nary a hitch in the ol' nag. Besides the 10 function/sighter rounds, I hadn't shot a free pistol in 6 years, and managed a 534 with 'er. She's a keeper! Now all I need to do is find the time to practice!
