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AP training exersizes

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:14 pm
by AJOO8
What are some good training exercises for AP besides plain shooting?
And what about breathing exercises?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:30 pm
by Steve Swartz

Sorry no one has responded to you yet; many of us are busy prepping for nationals (along with trying to keep our day jobs!).

In the meantime you might want to browse through the archives and old posts on this forum. Many of us have posted a bunch of training stuff over the last year or so. Also, take a peek at the TenP files on our hosts web page.

Good luck!

Steve Swartz

AP training program

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:42 pm
by 2650 Plus
You haven't mentioned if you do any other type of pistol competition. I really don't think you need to worry to much about specific air pistol training as fundamentals don't change. Train yourself to hold the pistol as still as you can. Accept the movement that remains as the best you can hold today. Learn to apply a smoothe ,steadily increasing pressure on the trigger that does not cause movement in the relationship of the front to rear sight when the pistol fires. And last, focus both your eye and your mental concentration on perfecting sight allignment. It Helps if you do the last step before the pistol fires. So as long as the information pertains to formal pistol competition it is almost certainly pertenant to your interest. Good shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:09 am
by ASA
Hello AJ008,

I have collected some training hints on the trainer page of our local homepage.
Though mostly in German, you will find hints in Englisch as well.
For navigation: Follow the respective links in the rows with the Australian, Canadian and US-flags. (In the first row with the danish flag, there is a nice simulator too.)

best regards


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:28 am
by _Axel_
Not AP specific at all, but something i did last nite was draw a vertical line on the back of a target with a white board pen. I wanted to see how much i did sway, I set the target up at 10m. I was surprised in how little the swaying really was!!! I get totally stressed for very little of this sway when i shoot, and it leads to bad habits like overholding etc. I think it was a helpful demonstration of what really goes on, the mind plays tricks on u in this sport thats for sure!

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:48 am
by ASA
Very recently I switched from an elder FWB to Steyr LP10.
Since my results are below 600, I thought it would be sensible to question all my (documented) habits. In pursuing this, one of my approaches is to stop overholding.
I try to stick to a limit of max. 15 seconds per shot. Additionally, when my sight is aligned, I close my eye and release the shot. After opening again I notice the variation and try to decrease it (an exercise in proprioception of my upper extremity - anatomically speaking..). Presently, at least for dry-firing, it seems to improve the quality of the shot - gradually. Wrt my documented habits: I am aware but undecided yet that I could/should adjust the grip angle too. (I cannot swim the same river twice: it just did not occur to me to perform this exercise with my old AP)

I stick to the 15 sec limit because experience has shown, that after concentrating on the same image over a certain period the image starts to become unreliable (what you believe to see is not what is really there). As _Axel_ states so insightful
the mind plays tricks on u
not AP specific as well

best regards