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How do I checked the fit of the grip ?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 11:49 pm
by wai
I would like to know how to go about checking the fit of the grip for Air Pistol / Free Pistol.

What I was thinking of doing is to :
(1) stand facing a blank wall
(2) adopt the proper stance
(3) raise the pistol into firing position
(4) align the sight
(5) close my eye for a few seconds
(6) check the sight alignment again

Would this work, are the better way to go about doing it ?

Thank you.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 11:54 pm
by AAlex
5.5) Shake the arm and hand lightly left/right up/down to let the sights fall into their REAL natural position.

Also, it is important to remember that when the next day you try to assume your stance with properly adjusted grip and everything, but the sights seem off - that indicates improper head positioning. So when setting up the sights and assuming the stance make sure your head positioning is consistent.
As an experiment - aim at a blank wall and move your head around - you'll see that the sight picture changes significantly.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:00 pm
by Chris
I think you had the beginning correct.

stand facing blank wall in the proper stance
close eyes
raise pistol (add AAlex's step in here also)
once you feel like you are pointing in the correct spot
open eyes
see were the sites are.


Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 11:12 pm
by 2650 Plus
Grip must accomplish the following 1.Grip the pistol with sufficient firmness so that the gun does not change position from the recoil..2 allow the trigger finger to reach the trigger so that pressure is applied straight to the rear independent of the gripping tensions without touching any part of the pistol except the trigger. 3. It must be uniform from shot to shot , Day to day and even year to year unless you decide to change it. 4. it should feel comfortable for extended periods of time to allow adequate trainiung sessions. 5.IT MUST GIVE YOU NATURAL PERFECT SIGHT ALLIGNMENT.AT THE MOMENT YOU FIRST LOOK AT THE SIGHTS. And thats the only sdvice I feel qualified to give .because I heard all the rest from coaches long ago. Good Shooting Bill Horton

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:13 am
by idrees
its a m$ question i don't know why people does't wana reply s the rule"hold the pistol,pressure of grip should b according 2 the trigger weight,now press the trigger smoothly backward if the sights don't move after dry fire it means ur grip is perfectl.experiment it n let me know. enjoy ur shooting.