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Longarms to be banned in UK ?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 12:39 pm
by Trev2205
Sorry that this question only relates to the UK, but I see a lot of posts from UK residents and I have a question.

Does anyone have any information with regard to a potential ban on the Longarm pistol in the UK ? I'm hearing rumors that it might happen.

Any info gratefully received.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:46 am
by JulianY
This is the first I have heard of it, as far as I am aware the biggest threat at the moment is airguns. Currently their are several motions in Scotland to ban/control them more.

Sadly according to a home office report (
in the Uk ther were 21,521 crimes reported involving a firearm of which 10,437 involved air gun, and a further 3275 involve replicas.

Interesting crimes reported excluding airguns has risen for 5000 in 1999 to 11,000 in 2006

of the 5000 firearm crimes reported where injury was caused 1180 were airguns. interesting this has halved since 2003 whilst those involving hand gun (non airgun) have rises for 299 on 1995 to 1024 in 2006.

Alarmingly there are over 1000 cases of air guns being converted to firearms!

Nobody likes it, but with the mupets on the street, the tabloid presses apatite for sensationalism, I fear further legislation is inevitable. it would not suprise me if this include the long arm but as i have said I have not hear of it yet

Personally I would like to see the nsra and all the affiliates of British Shooting come up with a solution before one is imposed on them. Yes there are those that say give an inch and they will take the whole 9 yards but if the tabloids do it they will take the whole mile and we will all be pictured as gun nuts.


Re: Longarms to be banned in UK ?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:03 am
by David Levene
Trev2205 wrote:Does anyone have any information with regard to a potential ban on the Longarm pistol in the UK ? I'm hearing rumors that it might happen.
These rumours have been about since the court case that said they are legal in accordance with the law as it stands at the moment.

When police forces first started issuing certificates for them they included statements that if they were subsequently banned then no compensation would be paid.

Yes it might happen. Never say never but, IMHO, it's not very likely.

I have little doubt that, if they wanted to, the government could easily ban them but wouldn't they look stupid and vindictive. A 600mm long Free Pistol is hardly an assult weapon.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 11:45 am
by Trev2205
Thanks for the replies.

I'm trying to decide if I should even bother filling in the FAC forms, or spend the money on a backup air pistol.

I suppose not bothering would be a victory for the sensationalists, but I don't have enough spare cash to but a pistol just to find I have to surrender it later.

UK 50m pistol

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 2:34 pm
by PaulT
The UK 50m pistol excellent; the Morini is the most popular by 15:1 sales to the Pardini. Both shoot very well and broaden completion horizons to 50m pistol as well as the domestic shorter range postal competitions that are shot with both cartridge and air, not forgetting the NSRA Eley sponsored event.

Whilst a “back-up” air pistol is obviously nice to have, it will be used for how many times a year whereas your 50m pistol, well that’s down to your enthusiasm!

Don’t forget, if you are thinking of investing, a SCATT is a very wise tool for use with both or at least have access and adds a new dimension to dry-training.

Hope to see you on the start lines of the 50m completions later this season. Regular matches at British Pistol Club championship meetings, monthly meetings, Army Open, English Championships, Surrey Open, Bedford Open, Police Athletics Association and the British Open provides a good diet of events at 50m to enter.