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IZH35 Ejector

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:01 pm
by pgfaini
Folks, I disassembled my gun last night, and noticed the front right corner (chamber side) of the ejector wasn't square, but seemed to be chipped off on an angle about 1mm. wide, forming a little step. I checked it because I’d been noticing very uneven ejection of the spent rounds, some flying strongly to the right front, and some falling on the shooting bench in front of me. Don't remember how it was when new, not having shot the gun for several years. Should it be square, for example the way a 1911 ejector is, or is this the way they're designed? I was planning on locating a spare and comparing it, but decided to post first. Could somebody with an IZH35 check their gun and respond?

Thanks, Paul

Re: IZH35 Ejector

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:00 pm
by Fred Mannis
pgfaini wrote:Folks, I disassembled my gun last night, and noticed the front right corner (chamber side) of the ejector wasn't square, but seemed to be chipped off on an angle about 1mm. wide, forming a little step. I checked it because I’d been noticing very uneven ejection of the spent rounds, some flying strongly to the right front, and some falling on the shooting bench in front of me. Don't remember how it was when new, not having shot the gun for several years. Should it be square, for example the way a 1911 ejector is, or is this the way they're designed? I was planning on locating a spare and comparing it, but decided to post first. Could somebody with an IZH35 check their gun and respond?

Thanks, Paul
Hi Paul.

Looking down on my spare extractor - the hook pointing to the left - the top surface of the hook is indeed beveled 'down and away'. Looks like an equilateral triangle about 1mm on a side. It does not look like any other extractor. Looking at it from the back - the cartridge side - it comes to a point. A minimal, pointy, gripping surface. But it seems to work flawlessly (for me). Have you cecked the extractor spring? I can send a picture if you wish.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:38 pm
by pgfaini
Thanks Fred, but I was talking about the EJECTOR, not the extractor. It's fastened to the frame on the left side with two cross pins. Looking down from the top (as best you can with the hammer block installed), the right corner is not square, but has a bit of a step, about 1mm wide, as if it had chipped a bit. This is the part of the ejector that contacts the case head closest to the center.
Has yours this "step"?
Thanks, Paul

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:40 pm
by Fred Mannis
pgfaini wrote:Thanks Fred, but I was talking about the EJECTOR, not the extractor. It's fastened to the frame on the left side with two cross pins. Looking down from the top (as best you can with the hammer block installed), the right corner is not square, but has a bit of a step, about 1mm wide, as if it had chipped a bit. This is the part of the ejector that contacts the case head closest to the center.
Has yours this "step"?
Thanks, Paul
Oh, the ejector. DUH. Well, they both begin with the letter 'e' :-)

Yes, my ejector also has this little step in it. Never looked at very closely before. Looks rather fragile and one part I do not have a spare for

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:27 pm
by pgfaini
Thanks Fred, You've saved me some work. I've been using Federal 510's (were labeled Lightnings, now Champions) in it, and with all this talk about the dangers of using high speed ammo, doubt overcame logic, and I thought I might have chipped it.
Not an easy part to change, a lot of parts must be removed to get at it.
If it turned out it WAS chipped, I would have, after procuring a replacement, tried grinding it back square "in situ", and if this didn't work, THEN replaced it.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:42 am
by Fred Mannis
I have been using Champions for practice, but not in the IZH. They seem to be standard velocity. I stick to Wolfe in the IZH because it is totally reliable with that brand, and the price is right. I did shoot a box of Aguila SE through it last week and it worked OK and POI was almost dead on with the Wolfe.

I am going to use the iron sighted IZH for my summer league this year. More of a challenge than my Pardini/red dot wich I used last year.