Practical Use of IZH-46M

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Practical Use of IZH-46M

Post by philipnow »

I thought I'd relate a more "practical" use of my Izzy... This morning I'm eating breakfast and my dogs start to bark. As I begin to step out the back door to investigate, I hear a loud, ominous rattling. I quickly retreat back into the house and look out the window. There, about 5 feet from the back door was a large, nearly 4 foot long rattlesnake! So I grab my Izzy and put a couple 9's or 10's into his head, and the drama was over. Talk about match pressure. (I'm not a big fan of killing animals -- this was a magnificent beast -- but I'm not having a rattlesnake living on my back porch!) I couldn't resist the opportunity to get in a plug for my pistols, telling my wife, "see, it's worth spending the money on these pistols!"

Rattlesnake season has begun here in sunny southern California...

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Bunny's also

Post by PASA008 »

A couple of years ago there was a large rabbit eating the buds off everything in my wife's garden. When she complained, I took the Izzy and put one shot at the base of the skull in the back, and it dropped like a rock. Yes, the Izzy isn't a toy.
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Post by Mellberg »

You mean the .22lr cartridge isn't a toy? =)
Sounds like the "Izzy" would be less a toy than for example a AW93 or some other .22lr pistol.

Just a silly point of view... ;)

Here in Sweden the police accompanied by the national guard, airforce, navy and special forces would storm your house for doing that and you would spend the rest of your days on bread and water in a jail... Ok, maybe not that harsch, but the authoroties would not let you keep your weapons.

Happy hunting!
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Post by JulianY »

Same hear in the NL - no hunting license or approved hunting location :(

Post by Guest »


The IZZY is a 17 caliber single stroke pneumatic air pistol.
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Post by Mellberg »

Haha, as Homer Simpson would put it:
DOH!! =)

I was sure for a second there that it was a regular .22lr standard pistol... Oh well. =)
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Post by Richard H »

Snake wacking day.
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Post by JulianY »

Well that would only make it worse in Nl as there and apsalutly _NO_ airgun hunting in the NL. The law set limits on the minimum number of joels that may be use for each species.

When I lived in the Philippines we hasda snake gun, a double barreled 12 gauge with a pistol grip and 8 inch barrels. The locals hated the thing preferring to use a spade. - more meat !

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