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Things are looking up !

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:05 pm
by cdf
I finally broke got my elusive 500 . Most of you guys would jump out windows if you did that rotten , but for me it's a milestone . I'm basically an AP shooter , wanting to aquire an intelligent understanding of AR shooting . I shoot AR a couple of times a month , plus league matches . If I ever get to 540 , I'll likley retire from active competition and give a junior a sharp deal on a gently used LG110 .


Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:57 pm
by RobStubbs
Don't be so harse on yourself. Every acheivement and goal is significant, heck you can do no more than beat your own personal best ! Now sure it will be different from other peoples but that's irrelevant. Give yourself realistic goals based on your committment and training times etc and you will crack them. As always though enjoy your shooting !

Oh and well done !


Good Job

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:36 pm
by pmessina
Breaking the 500 barrier is an accomplishment! Now you can set your goals a bit higher...say 510 or so. Actually, if you need some additional motivation, the NRA has a program called the Excellent Performance Awards program. It rewards you for reaching certain milestones during competition. There are six level of award...small bronze, small silver, small gold, large bronze, large silver, and large gold. For International Air Rifle the required score and number of times recorded are 495 x 1, 510 x 2, 525 x 3, 540 x 5, 555 x 5, and 570 x 5 respectively. If you are interested, I can e-mail you the pdf which explains the program in more detail. Good shooting!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:40 pm
by jhmartin
Congrats! 500 is a big milestone ... go for the 520 next ... it keeps you young!

Good on ya

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:42 pm
by daisy
I have been shooting AR for 6 months and I still have 30 to go for my first 500.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:06 pm
by cdf
Hang in there daisy , let me know when ya get there , I'll hoist a cold one in your honor . Thanks everyone , for the kind words , it's been a tad frustrating , I've oscillated in the high 400's , up to 496 quite a few times . I have got as high as 517 in practice .

I dont have the eyesight , and reflexes of youth , just 55 year old dogged determination .

To celebrate I might have to get some of those infernal shooting boots and trousers .


Whats age got to do with it

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:32 am
by peepsight
Hi all
I'm the wrong side of 60, still reasonably fit like a smoke now and again and can still do a 545 with my trusty Steyr LG100.

Back in my youth i was a 570 shooter and that was with the old side lever crank guns which never had recoil absorbers or other such luxuries.

My highest score ever back in the 80's was 579 with an Anschutz LG380.

Why do i still shoot competative air rifle at my age? Because i still enjoy the challenge and there are divisions to shoot that cater for my average and of course there are veterans classes at a lot of our county matches.
Its good therapy as well for us oldens. I'l only give up when the eyes go!
