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A question for TAU-7 Match owners...

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:28 pm
by jlochey
OK, I have read as much as I can find on the internet and used the search function on this website extensively.

I still have this question about the TAU-7 Match version.

How many reliable, normal (match) shots can you truly get from a C02 cartridge under an average shooting pressure (450 fps-ish) with this gun?

Maybe this question is too vague or too subject to variances among temperature, etc.

Assuming you wanted to stay below $600ish, would this gun be a decent step up from the IZZY (which I already own).

Thanks, John

My wife said buy the best, and quit messing around!

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:50 pm
by Guest 58
"Forum: Olympic Pistol Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:51 am Subject: My wife said, "Buy the BEST"!!! So what is the BE
My wife said buy the best, and quit messing around! I have the Baikal 46m, but want to upgrade to a PCP gun.
My question? WHAT IS THE BEST?
I can only buy ONE gun!
Jo ... "

Year of 2005....2007..... Same Questions :((

"My wife said buy the best, and quit messing around!"

You have to listen to your wife, boy!

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:15 am
by jlochey
Yep still can't seem to part with the money...

Really should just bite the bullet so to speak...

Thanks for the gentle prodding. ; )

.."to get more involved with competitive archery"

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:06 pm
by Gest 78
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:04 pm Post subject: FS: Baikal IZH-46m w/Custom Grips....
"Am selling only to get more involved with competitive archery.
Thank you,
Tecumseh, Michigan"

....If competitive archery doesn't works for you either....
try this: Sport Bowling
"but I'm finding that I love the challenge." John
It is extremely challenging too! You can drink beer and think in same time as an athlete about yourself! :))

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:22 pm
by jlochey

Thank you very much for your kind words and contructive advice! I appreciate all that you have been able to tell me about the TAU 7, it has been very helpful!

I have always appreciated the nice, kind people on this forum, makes me want to come back again and again!

Currently enjoying: Silhouette Rifle, IHMSA Pistol, Archery BUT not bowling quite yet!

About the TAU-7

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 4:44 pm
by Bill177
It appears that there are far to many "guests" here that have no names and only sharp critical comments. Too bad, help was asked for - so give it.

Now, about the TAU-7. I have owned a couple of them. They shot well and had good triggers. Did my scores go up when I switched from the Izzy to the TAU? No, they did not. But, shooting the new gun was sure fun and I enjoyed it very much.

I have used both the C02 capsules and bulk fill on the TAU. A small bulk tank comes with a complete TAU set along with the adaptor. You fill the little bulk tank from your large tank. I have all this stuff, as I never went to CA - I stayed with Co2 - so no big deal.

A capsule will finish a complete 60 shot match. If for some reaspon it did not, you would be warned by a diminishing sound (report) when firing. That would be a good time to change capsules and do a couple of dry fires to clear the system.

Bulk filling the TAU will increase the maximum number of shots you can make. I don't recall exactly how many I could get off before I ran out of gas and I no longer have a TAU - or I would shoot a round and tell you.

The TAU is a step up from the Izzy in that you no longer have to cock it. But, I don't think it is one bit more accurate or that the trigger is better. But, I sure enjoyed it.

Now, for the other advice: If you plan to stay in the sport, then, as stated above, bite the bullet and buy a top of the line gun. But, before you do - try some.

Each gun has a different feel and each shooter will find the different either really good, lousy, or acceptable. You want really good!

I went from the TAU to a Pardini K60 - also Co2 (again, I was already set up for Co2). Eventually I purchased the Pardini K2 (also in Co2) from the late Don Nygord. I like my K2 very much, but............

With 20/20 hind sight, I would now purchase the LP2 in Co2. Its not that the LP2 is a better gun - they have very similar features. It is that the LP2 will receive better product support. Pardini was kicked around for a while in the USA and when I had questions I had to email Italy to get answers.

You might also want to talk to Scott at PilkGuns (our host) about a good used gun. He will steer you in the right direction.

Hope this information helps you.

Hope this information will help you too....

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:36 pm
by Guest 59
Make a Wise Investment! At least this is good step for economy :)

Same Two Entry Level Air Pistols: TAU7 & Baikal IZH46M

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:48 pm
by Fred
My experience, FWIW. I had early versions of both the Tau and the IZH (not M). I easily got 90 strong shots per CO2 capsule from the Tau, but I did not like the gun very much. Traded the Tau, still have the IZH. I do not consider the Tau an "upgrade".


Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:29 am
by joe4702
If you like 10m shooting with the Izzy enough to consider upgrading, skip the intermediate step and go for a top-tier gun. You'll be money ahead in the long run. If you do eventually tire of the sport, the high end guns will likely hold value better than the Tau. $0.02

Baikal Air Pistol

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:24 am
by Tim Morony
I think this discussion can help you to understand value and potential of your's IZH- 46M.

I think you "get lost", try to contact to local members of any ISSF (Olympic Style Shooting Clubs) in your area: Member Clubs USA Shooting. ... ess%20Book
