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Steyr Sight Radius

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:04 pm
by shadow
I just read the thread on long vs short air pistol barrels. I have a similar -but different question. I have a Steyr LP1. The front sight is located at the end of the barrel. The front sight can be positioned further back (toward the rear sight) shortening the sight radius. Does anyone use anything other than the longest sight radius? What are the pros and cons of 1.) long sight radius 2.) short sight radius?


Sight Radius

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:19 pm
by GaryBF
A longer sight radius will enhance the practical accuracy of any firearm because it reduces the effect of any sighting errors, i.e. aiming is more precise. Smallbore rifle shooters now use "bloop tubes" to lengthen the sight radius on their already very accurate rifles. Many high power rifle shooters are now doing the same. The down side of a long sight radius is that it magnifies any movement of the firearm. This may be especially unnerving to an inexperienced or less fit pistol shooter. Exagerated wobbles and tremors can ruin a shooter's confidence and create bad habits if one tries to snatch a good shot while the sights are dancing. A shorter sight radius reduces this apparent movement and make the gun appear steadier. This may build confidence and lead to improved trigger control. In the previous post on short pistols, one member mentioned the issue of vision problems with a long sight radius.

Most of the top air pistols have a fair amount of possible adjustment because there is no one best setting for all shooters. So don't worry about what everyone else is doing.

My first air pistol was the IZH-46M which has a very long sight radius (14 inches!). I hated it so I modified the front sight and reduced the sight radius to 12 inches-still rather long but much better. When I moved to a PCP air pistol, I chose the Anschutz LP@ Junior largely because of its shorter sight radius. I dare say for most shooters the shorter sight radius will work just fine. The bottom line is that its your call and no one else's.