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San Francisco School Board cancels JROTC programs

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:07 pm
by jhmartin
Included is a link to an article and an email I have sent to the Junior program directors at USA Shooting, the NRA, and the CMP.
Article: ... 01&sc=1000

I would like to request that USA Shooting, the National Rifle Association, and the Civilian Marksmanship program refrain from supporting any future events in San Francisco, and cancel any that are currently scheduled.
I would oppose any of my membership funding events that provide any economic support to this city which does not support a tried and proven youth development program such as JROTC.

Joel Martin
VC4HSS Rifle Coach
New Mexico
I would encourage all like minded to do the same.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:19 pm
by Richard H
That does suck. I was a cadet in Canada, similar to the JROTC program, except the fact that it is run by the military and has nothing to do with the school system. Now the kids can go hang out on the street, do drugs and vandalism.

I found cadets not only taught me about the military it taught me important things that I use to this day. Simple thing like doing your own laundry and ironing at the age of 13. How to take care of myself and be self reliant. I can see how that would threaten these groups as these people don't want you to be self reliant they are the proponents of the nanny state.

Maybe the military could look at the program up here and pattern something after it. If they do it themselves they won't be held hostage by these special interest groups.

Reverse my stand

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:28 pm
by jhmartin
Sometimes I'm reminded why I'm just an engineer and not one who makes policy.

Not more than 5 minutes after I had sent this message to HQ Moody at the NRA, I received a phone call from him. He informed me that he is a graduate of Balboa High School in SF. That's where he learned to shoot.
His perspective is that we should do all we can to get shooting sports events and venues in San Francisco so that as many folks as possible can see the good people that participate in these events.

If someone from SF were to ask for help with a shooting sports program he would not shun them, but work to make a successful event for them.

I must say I do see his point.

(I will admit I do have a "nuke 'em till they glow" attitude and reaction to many events such as this, untill I hear another side.....)

Maybe we'll get comments from all sides here.......


Re: Reverse my stand

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:09 pm
by Richard H
jhmartin wrote:Sometimes I'm reminded why I'm just an engineer and not one who makes policy.

Not more than 5 minutes after I had sent this message to HQ Moody at the NRA, I received a phone call from him. He informed me that he is a graduate of Balboa High School in SF. That's where he learned to shoot.
His perspective is that we should do all we can to get shooting sports events and venues in San Francisco so that as many folks as possible can see the good people that participate in these events.

If someone from SF were to ask for help with a shooting sports program he would not shun them, but work to make a successful event for them.

I must say I do see his point.

(I will admit I do have a "nuke 'em till they glow" attitude and reaction to many events such as this, untill I hear another side.....)

Maybe we'll get comments from all sides here.......

He's right the shooting sports are so small that they would have little to no financial impact. Not having any shooting events is exactly what those groups want, so to really stiff it to them you should encourage more shooting events in SF.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:15 am
by RobStubbs
Got to agree with Richard. Boycots appear just to harm those they are meant to help, in most cases. I'm all for showing them the positive side of shooting and trying to work around them. Just because the officials have canned the program doesn't mean individuals can't try and do the same thing themsleves. There must be plenty of coaches, parents and shooters out there who can help and in so doing show the officials the error of their ways.


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:06 am
by jhmartin
OK .... over the next two years the program is being phased out. Of course not all the students in JROTC are shooters .... lets just say 10% of them. That means there are 160 or so young athletes that will now be needing range time.

Are there any local (Say within 20-25 miles) that these youth can go and shoot in a club type situation and have coaching support so that they can continue to compete in JO's & Sectionals?
(I know 20-25 miles seems like a lot, but here in NM our 4-H shooters hit the air rifle range 3 times per week and that is a drive of between 12 and 15 miles each way .... our indoor smallbore range is 20 miles for me and over 35 for some others)

Are these youth able to join JROTC programs outside of the SF area and continue to be involved in all the aspects of JROTC? I know that the superentendant in the Albuquerque school district nixed that idea here.

HQ, Richard, and others are most probably right in that a boycott is not the answer. (Although someone mentioned that for all their abhorance to the US Military, I'll bet SF rakes in a lot of money because of the armed forces)

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:59 am
by mikeschroeder

Unfortunately, boycotting liberals is looked at as a good thing by the liberals. After all, they don't want anyone who disagrees with them around. Personally, I don't mind anti-gun types boycotting my shooting events. Tends to keep the arguements to a minimum.

Wichita KS

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:52 pm
by Padawan
The Military here does have a cadet program, several in fact.

There is a group of cadets for each branch (Navy, Marines, and Army) as a part of the American Cadet Alliance, as well as Sea Cadets, Civil Air Patrol, and Young Marines.

I don't know much about the others, but the Sea Cadets shoot, sometimes. I know they participated in a CMP camp last summer and my unit did some shooting every now and then.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:51 pm
by n1heu
I think you should schedule more shooting events in SF. But don't spend a dime there. Don't stay there, don't do trade with companies based there. Don't vacation there. Make the entire city suffer. Don't ride the trolleys, don't buy gas within city limits. Cross it off the map of the rest of the US. They want to secede from the union, lets let them.
It's lonely world when no one spends money there.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:44 pm
by Guest
I know this is old news, but i should mention that there are no longer any shooting programs in any San Francisco public high schools. The last one, Lowell high school died out either this year or the last.

If you guys need any more information about this you can email me at

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:28 pm
by alfgold
If someone still cares about this thread...

My suggestion is have the State of CA and the Feds pass a law to ban any National Guards to enter these anti-gun, anti-military cities (ie: San Francisco, Berkeley) whenever a natural disaster or terrorist attack.
These liberals are just bunch of communists (at the minimum socialists); their mentality is they want to have everything but they don't want to pay for anything.

A 9.0 quake is heading to the Bay Area... soon.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:28 pm
by Quest
The next time they bid for the Olympics give the support to some other city in the US. That would hit them in the pocket book. The same would apply to Chicago they where planning on building the shooting facilities away from the city and other Olympic venues.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:04 am
by rfwhatley
Look what happened in Atlanta in 1996. They built the world-class Wolf Creek shooting range on the south side while most of the locals who use it are from the north side of town. The City wanted to stimulate the local depressed south-side economy. Only trouble is, you first gotta have people coming in to stimulate anything.

I once drove my son down there to shoot 10M AR for fun. It took 2 hours to get there. It's something like a 80 mile drive across Atlanta. He shot for an hour. 2 hours to get back home. We both loved the facility, but I couldn't afford to go back.