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Messing around with the grip...

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:38 am
by Mike S-J
Hi guys 'n gals,
Its a quickie - If I adjust my grip with Blue-tac (you know - sticky stuff to hang posters on walls etc) is my pistol still legal for ISSF competition? For the pedantically inclined, the question is: "will having a 'tacky' filler on my grip violate any ISSF rule(s)?"

Cheers me dears.


Re: Messing around with the grip...

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:44 am
by David Levene
Mike S-J wrote:Its a quickie - If I adjust my grip with Blue-tac (you know - sticky stuff to hang posters on walls etc) is my pistol still legal for ISSF competition? For the pedantically inclined, the question is: "will having a 'tacky' filler on my grip violate any ISSF rule(s)?"
Providing that you follow all of the dimension rules then a tacky surface is not a problem for pistols.

It would fall foul of for rifle but there is no corresponding pistol rule.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:22 pm
by RobStubbs
That's exactly what I used to do until I worked out how to do it properly. I was lucky enough to have a pair of grips custom made in Switzerland so I took very careful note of the process. In brief the grip should fit your hand so use your hand as the mold. It isn't quite as easy if you need to remove wood as well but you can do that first then build it up in the right places. I use morini grip paste or equivalent, slap it on the grip and then hold the gun. It does take longer than it sounds to do it properly but since I brought one of my customised grips home I use that as a guide on the other grips regarding feel and the like.


Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:37 am
by Guest
blu-tack is great for experimenting with. i feel that it is even better than the plastacine or play-doh that some people recommend. but ultimately you would want to replace it with something more permanent such as wood putty or epoxy.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:56 pm
by wai
Blue-tac is great for trying things out when modifying the grip. But in the long run, it is better to replace the Blue-tac with something more permanent. The problem is that Blue-tac do shift around a bit and get slightly compact over time.

If you do not wish to use the Morini Grip compound, there are several alternatives :
(1) eproxy filler - easy to handle, not much mess, but set fairly quickly

(2) wood filler - a bit messy to use, but set slowly, so there is plenty of time to shape and adjust the grip

Have fun with your grip mod.