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Modifying Grips

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:19 pm
by shadow
Whenever I look at the grips on the firing line it appears that they are all puttied up. I am looking for a text book in fitting Air Pistol and Free Pistol grips. First, is it preferable to buy grips a bit too small and remove some wood or buy them a bit too big and putty them up. Second, when a grip feels a bit tight how do you know if wood should be removed from the top or bottom. Third, there is definitely some extra room around the bottom of my hand with my Free Pistol. Should I just put in a glob of putty and stick my hand in there to mold the putty. If anyone has a step by step program on fitting grips and I can assure you that I will follow them to "the T"

Thanks to all who reply. You may be directly responsible for an improvement in my scores!

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:26 am
by RobStubbs
I would suggest you buy the right size grips and minise the work required. If you have gaps then they should generally be filled - obvious exceptions would be around the trigger finger.

I would suggest you get the work done by someone who knows what they are doing initially - i.e. a grip technician. You may for example have, unknown to you, pressure spots and pressure in the wrong places. Likewise gaps between grip and hand.
