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Pardini Sight Adjustments

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:23 pm
by Nicole Hamilton
In a previous thread discussing adjustments for a Steyr LP-10 air pistol, I mentioned that I prefer to convert mm/click into clicks/ring because you don't need a ruler and it's so much more convenient to estimate through a scope. With cartridge guns, there's an additional advantage, which is that you always have the same number of clicks/ring even on reduced distance targets.

But of course, all this assumes you know mm/click to do the conversion. Steyr tells you in their manual. Maybe it's there in my Pardini manuals, too, but I sure can't find it. And I've been lazy about doing the experiments -- and skeptical of how accurately I could do the measurements anyway -- to figure it out on my own. But just today, a fellow instructor at my club pointed me at the TargetShooting Canada site, which does have specs on these Pardinis and lots of other guns. (If you get the popup asking you to sign in, just type your email address and leave the password blank.)

Based on their data, I was able to calculate:

K22 Free Pistol: 3.18 clicks/ring
SP and SP New: 5.01 clicks/ring

In the words of Emily Letilla...

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:58 pm
by Nicole Hamilton
Just a few minutes ago, I was tucking some little cheat sheets with my clicks/ring figures into my Pardini cases and decided to take one more look for the mm/click data in the manuals. Well, as for my complaint that it wasn't there, in the words of Emily Letilla, "never mind." I'd expected the data for each pistol to be in the section devoted to each particular gun. It's not. It's all collected in a table covering all the various Pardini guns at the end of the book. I really don't know how I missed it. (I realize this invites some unkind speculation about me and my ability to read directions, but let's not go there, okay? :)

The good news is that the figures I took the web (i.e., 8mm/click at 50m for the K22 and 5mm/click at 25m for the SP and SP New) and used in my calculations are exactly as published by Pardini.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:04 am
by RobStubbs
I thought I'd remembered seeing it in my manuals for my (new) HP and SP1 - it is also on the pardini website if I recall correctly.


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:21 pm
by top end
I wouldn't take the figures in the book as gospel. You need to to shoot a group -10/15 shots- then screw the sights off by 20? clicks and shoot another group. Measure the the distance between the centre of the groups and divide by no. of clicks. Repeat if you have to. With a my Pardini and this method, I found that that each click represents 7.5mm @ 25m. YMMV

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:30 pm
by Nicole Hamilton
You did this with a Ransom Rest or similar device so you could lock everything down to the bench?

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:02 am
by RobStubbs
I would suggest it doesn't really matter. What matters is that you know how many clicks to adjust between events / targets. I know for example I need about 8 clicks to switch from standard pistol to rapid fire (centre aim) - and that is equally true for my HP for centrefire.
