ISSF Rules: -2pt question

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Grzegorz Gladyszewski

ISSF Rules: -2pt question

Post by Grzegorz Gladyszewski »

Hi, in 2005 rules -2pt penalty has been introduced when nonaccepted protest is done on score. This concerned electronic targets. If I well understand recent corrctions this rule has been extended also on PAPER targets. Could you explain me if therefore a team official or a shooter is still allowed to see his targets (and this doesn't require any protest) and only if protested and nonaccepted leads to -2pt?

best rgds,

Post by Guest » seems pretty clear.

The only way the team official or shooter can get to see the targets is by protesting, WITH the protest fee and 2 points if the protest is not upheld.

Why would the shooter (or team official) want to see the targets unless there were grounds for a protest?
Idle curiosity?
'Cuz we can?
Just to be a busy-body?
'Cuz the Classifiaction Office has nothing better to do?
Grzegorz Gladyszewski

Post by Grzegorz Gladyszewski »

Not so clear... : When using paper targets, a shooter or team official who considers that a shot was scored or recorded incorrectly may protest that score, except that decisions made regarding the value of shots by
using gauges are final and cannot be protested. Scoring protests
may only be made on scores which have been decided without
using a gauge or when incorrect entries in the result list or score
card appear to have been made. When paper targets are used, the team official or shooter has the right to see the protested shot hole(s) but is not permitted to touch
the target(s).
First - only series (per 100) are displayed. To know which shot should be protested one needs to see 10 targets.

Second - only shots not scored by the use of gauges may be protested. How we know if they were scored in this way - need to see them.

I do not offense these rules. They are good and help Classification Office to work well, but I just need interpretation. That's all.

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Post by pilkguns »

please e-mail me.
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