Newbie here

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Newbie here

Post by Cuervo79 »

Hi yall. after rumaging (sp?) through the internet for a couple of weeks I found this forum.
After reading some topics of my interest I decided to join in.
I'm very new to shooting as a whole (maybe 3 or 4 months), and basically I've been practicing by myself at the range, I found Don Nygords tips a few months back and I've been using them in my training.
I've been trying to get the hours for practice but its been difficult lately.

I have been practicing with the range's air pistols (FWB C20). As a novice I allways try to start by myself with out any help before asking for more directions, and at the range its been quite like that. Last month I attended my first competition (wich I was sure and still am, that I wasn't ready for) I scored 476 on the 10m air pistol category.

I recently changed gun (since the one I was using allways kept my groups low in the bullseye) and with out hesitation the "guns keeper" told me to choose another one without asking or saying anything about changing for a new gun, they have 3 FWB C20 with 3 different grips as I could see they have 3 diferent sizes a really small one (wich I could barely get my hand to grip it) a "medium" one (wich was the one I got acostumed to use) and the one I'm using now that has a bigger grip, some how I feel it's heavier than the last one specially toward the nose (they are both FWB C20 I checked). I have completely lost my grouping (that was this monday haven't been able to get to the range to start again) wich got me really frustrated.
Is this normal when you change to a new gun? Is there a way to adjust the grip in order to get the weight more balanced?

well as allways I do not expect to have over night changes I know this skill as many others takes allot of practice, and maybe my frustration got the better of me.

From Guatemala

Post by Guest »

Hello Ceurvo

I have found that Mr. Potter also many good things to help a beginner. He is here.
Posts: 41
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:27 pm
Location: Guatemala

Post by Cuervo79 »

Thanx, I've been reading some of them. I went to the range today and after some practice I feel I need to dedicate it more serious time.

Although most of my shots ARE inside the bullseye I still cannot get a concise (sp?) grouping. And again because of a international (latin american) championship the 2 guns I used were borrowed by participants, so I practiced with the gun with the smallest handle. Still I shot all of them inside the diameter of the bullseye (even if my hand hurt because of the smaller handle).

Meh, patience is the mother of all sciences hehe
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Post by cdf »

Sounds like you are progressing pretty well , you are deffinatly handicapping yourself if your equipment doesn't fit you . You might be able to find a grip of your own , that you can use with the club gun . Pretty soon you'll break the 500 barrier . If you are holding the black with borrowed guns you are doing allright .

Eventually , you will need to get your own gun . Switching guns can cause your score to dip for a while , as old muscle memories need to be reprogramed .

What guns are available in your part of the world ?

Try to train rather than practice ( by train I mean work on specxific areas rather than just fire repeatedly - reenforceing old errors ).

Mostly , have fun .


Post by jigmeb »

Hi Cuervo:
Are you shooting at the San Cristobal range with one of Pacos guns? if you are, I am also starting to shoot and I go to the same range sometimes at night on week days hope to see you soon. For me its also boring to shoot alone all the time.
My name is Jigme Balseiro.
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Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:27 pm
Location: Guatemala

Post by Cuervo79 »

To CDF: Guns available? to be Honest haven't looked really hard, alhtough our culture is gun friendly, its mostly firearms and not really air pistols. Most of the stuff you see are what I would call Hobby guns and rifles. From what I know most people buy the guns outside the country (its cheaper and unless you know what you really want, a way to look at the gun personally) if not you see everything via catalogue and you actualy see the gun when you purchase it.
I'm not pretty social so I haven't asked the other shooters if they bought their pistols here.

I have been trying to train, and I try to look at it that way haven't been able to keep a schedule because of work and the hours the range has (8 to 6) so lately I've been concentrating on actualy Looking at the sights (pretty funny but until I read a threat here about that and follow through I had no idea about them) instead of trying to focus on the target.

Yeah I know having an own gun helps allot but I haven't bought one, 1 because of the price, 2 because I want to take it seriously, if I plan to buy a pistol I want it to be because I am needing it and not because of having a new toy.

So until I can get quite competitive with the range's guns I'll keep training with them.

To Jigmeb: Yes I'm shooting there with one of Paco's guns. Cool, it would be cool to have someone to train with. The hours of the range and my work schedule makes me free most of the time in the mornings so I try to go from 10 to 12 I rarelly go on weekdays but I might be changing that.
MSN me at
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