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sTEYR lg 110 vs aNSCHUTZ 9003

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:19 am
by Frank

9003 is the best

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 12:08 pm
by Peter PD999
It is well known on the professional 10m circuit that the Anschutz 9003 is the cream of engineering, and is only used by the very best. However, it is expensive (more than the 8002 Anschutz model), but has better internal engineering, in order to give optimum scores.
However, it has a cast aluminium stock, which is inferior to the milled aluminium stock that Feinwerkbau supplies on its model 700. This has made the model 700 the most popular air-rifle to date. However, it has suffered reliability problems with its 'compensator'.
Therefore, you have to take the choice: the more expensive but more reliable Anschutz 9003 (but whose stock is more likely to break if shipped on airlines), OR the cheaper but slightly less reliable Feinwerkbau 700(whose stock is never likely to break).
Regarding the Steyr, though it is a lovely rifle, it is very uncommon on the international circuit, and its reliability is not proven; service back-up at major meetings is also not as good as for Anschutz nor Feinwerkbau.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:10 pm
by cdf
The Anchutz 9003 has a rather tinny feel to it , which I find a bit disconcerting . It also doesn't come with sights , the Styer comes with basic sights . It really comes down to what you are comfortable with , at least in Canada pricing is pretty close . I enjoy the takedown feature of the Styer . If possible try both , go with what suits you .


700 all the way

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:20 am
by snapy050
I own a fwb 700 alu.. I had a major mix up with 9003 when I was thinking between both of them.. I personally feel fwb 700 is a good enough weapon to give you those high scores you desire. As far as relaiblity, I never had problems.. Its a lovely weapon and has almost all the adjustments 9003 has(except weights at rear). I sometimes now feel it would be nice if I had a weight adjustment system behind in my fwb 9003. To compensate that I have changed my hold such that my left had properly balences the rifle.. pretty satisfied now.

However I feel 9003 is a way too much price! you can hit the asme scores in fwb then why pay more? It probbaly looks better. the dampers are said to be better with new technology but newest is not always the best!

As for lg110, no one speaks about it here.. at least in south asia.. I feel it is yet to prove its capiblity at the higest level and if you are a beginer, I suggest you wait and watch before you buy it. But, if you are already at national level and beyond, we are all just waiting for you to try it! lol !

make a list of what you want from a rifle and look for a rifle that suits your needs.. Thats how i bought mine and I am a little happy to score 99% all the time and patting my self for having made the right choise.

kind regards,
Indian National Shooter.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 8:30 am
by cdf
No question , you cant go wrong with the FWB 700 . Here in Canada all three are pretty close in price , its a question of dealer preferance . The 700 is an impecable rifle . That said , i'm enjoying my Styer , and it comes thru for me .
If I had my time over again I probably would have got a FWB 700 . I wouldn't have given the 9003 serious consideration .


Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:38 pm
by Guest
You can get the 9003 for $2,160 without sights from Champion's Choice.
They don't have that price on the website but it is in there new Catalog.
That said I would still get the P700 !!!!!


Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:58 pm
by Hans Serand
In Germany, the 9003 is gaining the most popularity within the National Shooting Team.
It has proven to be the most consistent with any ammo and in any conditions.
BUT it is more expensive compared to the others. But you have to pay for quality !
You won't go wrong with any of these rifles.

FWB P700 going down

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 5:04 pm
by Guest who
The quality and craftsmanship of the new P700 is not up to par with the with the older FWB air rifles. I think FWB is trying to keep production cost down. The P700 craftsmanship is about the same of the Asnchutz now. If you don't believe me, go and exam a P700 and compare it to a FWB P70 or a 602, or C60..etc.


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:03 pm
by snapy050
for your kindest information..

world no. 1 zhu qunain uses fwb 700 alu

world no. 1 women.. du li also uses fwb 700 alu.

their recent scores in munich, Ger speaks about the weapon..

Zhu scored an incredible 598 with more than 104+ in the finals!

li scored 399 and also around 103.5 in the finals..

If you were to tell me that fwb is not up to the standatds these days, I would laugh till my stomach pains!
The right way to say things is not to put down something and say the other is better..

I feel fwb is at its best now! While the other manufacturers have picked up and matching the performance of fwb.. But still to stand at the top in the manufacturers list for a decade, they are definately doing something right!

Well for the above shooters, I guess they have better head on their shoulders no wonder they are up there. As a matter of fact, Du li is using 700 alu since 3 years now and has not switched to any other manufacturer.. gonzi also uses fwb 700 wooden stock.. so I feel Its more than convincing to go for it.. If money is not at all the problem, go for 9003 provided you are willing to spend extra time and have good analysis skills.. It will just make shooting a little more complicated initally..

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:41 pm
by seemehaha
i never really cared for fwb, so i had a wood stock anschutz 2002. when that stock cracked in half after a few years of shooting and lots of travel, i decided to get the 9003. i have been extremely disappointed with the 9003, and if i hadn't spent so much money on the 9003 i would get rid of it for a 2002. i haven't shot the new fwb, but like i said before, the fwb guns i have shot i haven't cared for.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:14 am
by Guest
It would be a good idea to try something before you dislike it.
You might have had a few bad trys wit a fwb rifle but that could be from any number of things (like poor care or its old or both).

9003 the best

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:53 pm
by Jon Landes
What was wrong with the 9003 or the FWBs ?

If they are good enough for Olympic level shooters, they should be more than adequate for the rest of us.

Get your 9003 serviced, and adjusted properly for fit, and I'm sure that it will become a joy.

Whatever you shoot, any of these guns will always be better than the shooter.

My 2-cents

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:28 am
by Guess
I own many 10-meter air rifles, ranging from old recoil spring type to the new FWB P700 (all German made of course). From this experience I have two comments to offer the readers here.

(1) Normally the newer air rifles is design to obtain a better score or make it easier for a shooter to get a higher score compare to the older air rifle, else the manufacturers didn't do their homework.

(2) The quality and craftsmanship of the older 10-m AR are better than the latest air rifles of today, such as the Anschutz 9003, FWB P700. I didn't say the older guns are more accurate, just better craftmanship and more durable. If you don't beleive me, go and examine a P700 verses a FWB C62. The older AR are made to last a life time.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:38 am
by seemehaha
Anonymous wrote:It would be a good idea to try something before you dislike it.
You might have had a few bad trys wit a fwb rifle but that could be from any number of things (like poor care or its old or both).
i owned a fwb for a little over a year before i sold it and got my 2002. i had picked up the 9003, but never shot it. i had a good deal on it and went for it. i'm willing to admit that the gun is better than me, but there is just something about it that i like the feel of the 2002 better. i've had to tape over the cheek piece and the grip because it was too rough for me which isn't a big deal it's just annoying. i also like the cocking mechinism of the 2002 more than the side lever of the 9003.

i'm not saying that the fwb or the 9003s are bad, just sharing my opinion that they are not for me. personal preference plays a lot into your rifle, so if a fwb is what you like go for it. i'm just more of an anschutz person myself.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:53 am
by hardhit
seemehaha wrote:i've had to tape over the cheek piece and the grip because it was too rough for me which isn't a big deal it's just annoying.
You can remove the roughness by using a bit of sandpaper and softening the pro-grip material to your liking.

I did the same to my grip which I found to be too rough at the front.

Anschutz 8002

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:02 pm
by Guest2
I'm looking at getting an Anschutz 8002 b/c I'm A high school rifle team member and I dont have a job that pays well enough for most rifles. I have shot one before and definitly enjoy it more than the walthers the rest of my team uses. How does the 8002 Rate comared to these rifles.

Which is best

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:01 am
by peepsight

This subject must entice more posts than any other and its always interesting to read people's different views on air rifles.

The original question was which is better, the Steyr LG-110 or the Anschutz 9003? [Is this with the rediculous priced mod kit or standard 9003]?
Its worth considering that both these companies are tied up with Anschutz holding 51% shares in Steyr. Steyr use Anshutz barrels and trigger parts, where as Anshutz use the Steyr stabilzer.
Thomas Farnik holds the world record with a Steyr LG-110. I have used the older model LG-100 for 4 years and it has had heavy use and still performs with one whole groups. It has never given me any trouble.

If its money, then the Steyr is far better value and i cannot see the Anschuts as high end as it is performing any better.
The 9003 has had some critisism for having too many adjustments which can be a negative thing mentally. Or as Heinz Reinkemeir said, You can fiddle till the doctor comes.

Steyr give you a choice of a 'fixed' gun or a take down, neither will let you down.



Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:31 am
by laxratnd
I would go with the fwb 700p. Its a great rifle for the money. I do like it better then the 9003. I have shot the 9003 but didnt really like it. I have not had any problem with mine and its going on 2 years old and i shoot a whole lot of air rifle due to my college only having a air rifle range. It has functions perfectly in all conditions.

The person that said there are no wait setups for it, Well there are some out there now you just have to look for them. I made my own weight for the year of the gun. i do have to admit though it is front heavy but with some weight at the rear it does balance the rifle very nicely.

In regards to people saying that the 9003 shoots better with all different kinds of ammo, Well in my opinion when you buy your rifle you should have it sized for pellets. I didnt get a chance to do it to mine yet so its going out after my championships in two weeks. I did find that mine didnt like R-10 that much so now i use vogel pellets.

The 700 that FWB i produceing now is a great gun. I know a few world class shooters that had the 9003 but went back to there old guns because they didnt like it. Hey it comes with sights also.

What i recommend is that you go and try as many as you can. and see what fits you better. I have not had any problems with mine, and your suppose to send all CA air guns out every 3 years for service and sooner if you shoot it a lot.

Good luck choosing.

seemehaha ------ is this steph

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:10 pm
by pdeal
I think it is a mistake to compare based on which is better. Unless there is a design flaw in one all of them are made to compete at top levels. I don't have any of the newest generation rifles. I have a P70 and a ans 2002. I plan on selling the anschutz not because the P70 is better but because I think the anschutz stocks feel too long in the butt section. It just feels unbalanced to me. Other shoot it well and like it. I really like the P70 feel. I have tried the LG110 and I like the way it feels too. That is the reason to choose one over the other. Also, in some countries some brands are better supported than others. That is a practical issue to consider too. Quality I don't think is an issue with any of the above guns.

9003 for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:30 am
by gwd336
$2500 with universal site. Armory kept. HS competitions and a few CMP events. 2 seasons use.
