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Free Pistol Champions 1948-2004

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:41 am
by K38
Does anyone have a list of Olympic Free Pistol Champions and the guns that they shot. It would be very neat to see a good list.


Dwight (in need of inspiration)

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:04 am
by David Levene
You can get the list of shooting medalists 1896-2000 from the ISSF web site. All you need to do is add the Athens results (you can't expect the ISSF to have done that yet, only 2 years).

As for the guns used, IMHO, not a hope in Hades.

Free Pistol Champions

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:19 am
Try this website. It should answer all your questions. ... tml#mfreep

Re: Free Pistol Champions

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:51 pm
by RobStubbs
USAMU wrote:Try this website. It should answer all your questions. ... tml#mfreep
A useful site but it doesn't list weapons shot.


Re: Free Pistol Champions

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:57 pm
by Fortitudo Dei
RobStubbs wrote:
A useful site but it doesn't list weapons shot.

Alas I doubt that anyone bothered to record this information. However apart from a few exceptions, we can probably safely assume the domination of the Toz35 from 1960 onwards and perhaps the early 100 series Hammerli's in the 1950's.
What I do find interesting is the massive jump in winning scores between 1920 and 1936. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what might have caused this? Surely FP design couldn’t have evolved that much in 16 years?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:38 am
by rapid 2

The change in scores results from some drastic changes in the rules of the event in 1936. Scores before that date can't realy be compared. From 1936 onwards rule changes have been minor, appart from a change in name Free Pistol -> 50m Pistol and the introduction of the olympic final. Have found no site that lists the pistols, but TOZ - Hammerli (lately a.k.a. Walther :-( ) - Morini have been the main contenders.


Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:35 pm
by Ulrich Eichstädt
There is an excellent, but only german book about Free Pistols, which contains also lists of all FP winners, both world championships (1900 - 2002) and olympics (1896 - 2000) and their pistols (!):

"Scheibenpistolen Entwicklung, Technik"
by Otto Halfmann and Dr. Bruno Brukner

Because the book is printed in "book on demand" process, I assume there won't be any english version in the near future. Halfmann is 80 years now, Brukner around the same age.

I just writing an article about the Haemmerli Free Pistols for VISIER magazine july 2006, relaying on the book and also on info from Ferdinand Hediger, the former Haemmerli CEO. The shooters lists (the top three in each case) are very accurate and validated by several shooters, coaches and collectors.

Unfortunately there is no website for that book, only a (german, sorry) book review (by me) at

"Die Scheibenpistole — Entwicklung, Technik"
von Bruno Brukner und Otto Halfmann.
328 Seiten
ISBN 3-00-0133128-0.
Price: 60 Euro (plus p + p)
Shooting Books,
Curtiusstraße 2,
50935 Köln,
Tel. (0221) 43 44 60,
Fax 4 30 83 07,

Caution: it only has a few colour pictures, all the models and (excellent) cut drawings are black and white (but 575 of them...)

There is also a much smaller list of (only) the olympic winners at the Haemmerli website:

free pistol

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 5:04 pm
by fsmte
I elaborated a removed German book list later with some magazines "uit journal" and "ISSF NEWS" and other books.
I could verify and prove the rightness of the attached list. exactly thus, it can be that it has errors but in the past the shooters not in such a way changed of weapons and the ammunition as today.


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:04 pm
by Lee Jr
It's interesting to plot the scores and note that the 60 shot totals were on a very steady upward trend peaking at the 1980 games in Moscow (581). Was there a target change after those games which would explain the lower scores since then, generally in the 560 range?


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 5:37 pm
by Guest
They removed the leather shooting jacket with chicken wire, took away our knee high jack boots, and cut our time from 2 1/2 hrs. to 2 hours, and no beer before we shot. Thats what happened!

Free Pistol scores post 1980

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:58 pm
If I wasn't reluctant to be suspicious I would wonder if the drugs committee had'nt started to identify some of the unusal substances in the shooters bloodstream
John Smith

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 3:29 am
by Guest
I've never regarded beer to be an unusual substance.
Absolutely usual in fact.

Re: Link is broken

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:55 am
by Markus
Hi fsmte,
fsmte wrote:Hi,
I elaborated a removed German book list later with some magazines "uit journal" and "ISSF NEWS" and other books.
I could verify and prove the rightness of the attached list. exactly thus, it can be that it has errors but in the past the shooters not in such a way changed of weapons and the ammunition as today.

your link is broken. Additionally, you don't tell about its content.

Regards, markus

List is in Wikipedia

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:51 pm
by schauckis

You can find the champions' list in Wikipedia, as well but, alas, not the guns used.
I've been looking for a similar kind of listing but also for the world champions' guns in center fire pistol as well as standard pistol. For the free pistol (and rapid fire) I have more of an academic interest, but the center fire and standard are really what intrigue me.

- Larry

Re: Link is broken

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 3:30 pm
by RobStubbs
Markus wrote: your link is broken. Additionally, you don't tell about its content.

Regards, markus
It was nearly two years ago !, and it worked fine then.


Re: Link is broken

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:01 am
by Markus
Hi Rob,
RobStubbs wrote:
Markus wrote: your link is broken. Additionally, you don't tell about its content.

Regards, markus
It was nearly two years ago !, and it worked fine then.

Thanks, I will try again on weekend.

Regards, markus