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Online retailer worth a look.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:21 pm
by Guest

I was recommended to these guys by a friend, great service, the shop is run by pro target shooters.

Well worth a bookmark!!

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:56 pm
by sparky
Hmm...spam to a website that doesn't have minimal contact information, much less completely function.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:10 am
Hi Sparky thanks for the comments, I've been on this forum for some time and I own - what contact information do you require? And what part of the site doesn't function?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:22 am
by Kemmoa
Nothing works.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:57 am
by David Levene wrote:Hi Sparky thanks for the comments, I've been on this forum for some time and I own - what contact information do you require? And what part of the site doesn't function?
I would have thought that a snail-mail address and telephone number wouldn't have been unreasonable. I always thought they were a requirement under UK law anyway. Even if not, I personally would be very wary of buying from a site that didn't give it.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:59 am
Kemmoa wrote:Nothing works.
For example? It all seems fine this end! Those web designers will have a lot of answers to give on Monday if this site isn't working!!

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:35 am
by FredMannis wrote:
Kemmoa wrote:Nothing works.
For example? It all seems fine this end! Those web designers will have a lot of answers to give on Monday if this site isn't working!!
Everything seems OK using Internet Explorer as browser, but if I follow the link using Mozilla Firefox, the Online Shop box is empty - no links to what you are offering.
I agree with David Levene's comment.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:36 am
by benchrest
Doesn't work for me either using Firefox 1.5 An empty box on the left side.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:55 am
by David Levene
David Levene wrote:I would have thought that a snail-mail address and telephone number wouldn't have been unreasonable. I always thought they were a requirement under UK law anyway.
Having checked with our official "Trading Standards" site, all UK based sales sites must include a geographic address. I cannot think of a reason for a reputable site not to do this as a matter of course anyway.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:50 pm
by Richard H
David Levene wrote:
David Levene wrote:I would have thought that a snail-mail address and telephone number wouldn't have been unreasonable. I always thought they were a requirement under UK law anyway.
Having checked with our official "Trading Standards" site, all UK based sales sites must include a geographic address. I cannot think of a reason for a reputable site not to do this as a matter of course anyway.
I don't see why its really a big deal even IF is was not a reputable site I'm sure anyone could make up any address and you wouldn't know the difference anyways.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:57 pm
Before this thread gets out of hand and starts losing me customers guys! the website is just the most recent step in a business selling target shooting equipment to clubs, private shooters, cadet and armed forces units since 1999!!

I shoot for a local club and have been for 15 years!

Granted the website needs work, perhaps with better contact information, but I have a great customer service record, an ebay feedback of 1100+ selling target shooting accessories and lots of happy REPEAT customers!

Lets just say my web developer isn't 100% up to speed!

If anyone wants to contact me about any of my products please do so, you won't be disappointed!

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:43 pm
by Steve Swartz
Too late about the whole "losing customers" thing. Posing as a competitor to generate hits to your website is somewhat "cheesy" in any forum.

One of the reasons why this forum is so well-attended and informative is that we (the "Royal We" I suppose- yes I have been taken to task before for acting like self-appointed "Internet Police"); o.k., "I" look at thinly disguised marketing ploys like this one somewhat askance.

The beauty of this SPONSORED site (thanks again Scott Pilkington; a competitor of yours by the way, paying for your free advertising at the moment) is that naive newbies can come here and get HONEST FORTHRIGHT advice without being sold to by vendors with a product(s) to move.

O.K., here come 50 posts about "how dare I complain about an honest guy trying to make an honest buck" or whatever.

Bring it on.

If anyone here had a right to sell equipment to the participants, it would be Scott. See how much advertising he does here . . . ?

I know he doesn't need me to stand up for him or police his board or anything but one of the things that makes this site BETTER than other forums is that this is about THE ONLY place you can go to talk technique (and equipment) with minimal BS and (misleading) marketing hoopla.

Steve Swartz

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:58 pm
by sparky
Well, I don't know how much business Pilkington Equipment does in the UK, but I'm guessing they don't compete much.

That said, I was trying to view your site with Mozilla Firefox and got nothing. It's probably a problem only non-Microsoft Explorer users have. However, since more and more people are trying other browsers (especially Firefox and Opera) to avoid the security issues Explorer has, you should have your webdesigners make your site compatible with them.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:24 am
Steve Swartz wrote:Too late about the whole "losing customers" thing. Posing as a competitor to generate hits to your website is somewhat "cheesy" in any forum.

One of the reasons why this forum is so well-attended and informative is that we (the "Royal We" I suppose- yes I have been taken to task before for acting like self-appointed "Internet Police"); o.k., "I" look at thinly disguised marketing ploys like this one somewhat askance.

The beauty of this SPONSORED site (thanks again Scott Pilkington; a competitor of yours by the way, paying for your free advertising at the moment) is that naive newbies can come here and get HONEST FORTHRIGHT advice without being sold to by vendors with a product(s) to move.

O.K., here come 50 posts about "how dare I complain about an honest guy trying to make an honest buck" or whatever.

Bring it on.

If anyone here had a right to sell equipment to the participants, it would be Scott. See how much advertising he does here . . . ?

I know he doesn't need me to stand up for him or police his board or anything but one of the things that makes this site BETTER than other forums is that this is about THE ONLY place you can go to talk technique (and equipment) with minimal BS and (misleading) marketing hoopla.

Steve Swartz
Hi Steve, first of all I didn't make the original post on this thread, I only responded to a post someone else made so I'm not at fault for the 'free advertising' Secondly, I'm in the UK so,as another member said, the competition thing really doesn't hold much water.

I've been lurking as a Guest on this baord for years and I think its great that someone, in this case Scott from Pilkguns keeps it afloat, I've gotten many good articles off this site, and contributed plenty too I think.

I only reg'd with the site officially to answer specific questions about my own site that were raised.

No-one is trying to get or desires any free advertising, there is plenty of trade for all of us and as Scott himeslf will testify to the profit margins in shooting equipment isn't gonna get any of us into early retirement!!

Think of it as something to pay for the expensive hobby and you won't be far away!!

Your turn on the soap-box now!!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:19 pm
by Jose Rossy, your case would be greately aided if we knew your name.

Also, a suggestion. Your website needs to allow on-line purchasing. Having a website just to look at pictures, then to have to ring or e-mail one's order in is sooooo yesterday.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:12 pm
by Richard H
Jose Rossy, your case would be greately aided if we knew your name.

Also, a suggestion. Your website needs to allow on-line purchasing. Having a website just to look at pictures, then to have to ring or e-mail one's order in is sooooo yesterday.
I don't know what you're looking at but I can purchase from his web site. you using one of those other browsers.

For people who use browsers other than IE or Netscape before saying something doesn't work realize 95% (+) of the interent population use the above 2 browsers (right or wrong thats the way it is, accept it until things change). If you choose to use some funky browser that is not supported don't go all bannanas because someone hasn't accomodated your choice and they chose to cater to the 95 +% of the surfing population.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:21 pm
by RobStubbs
Perhaps this is a good reason why some forums have an advertisers forum. Keeps the ordinary posts clean of blatant advertising whilst there is somewhere for the advsertisers to post their wares. I don't have any problem with dealers participating in ordinary threads but IMHO this steps over the line (especially when someone else is sponsoring the very forum you're advertising on).


Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:41 pm
by Jose Rossy
Richard H wrote:
Jose Rossy, your case would be greately aided if we knew your name.

Also, a suggestion. Your website needs to allow on-line purchasing. Having a website just to look at pictures, then to have to ring or e-mail one's order in is sooooo yesterday.
I don't know what you're looking at but I can purchase from his web site. you using one of those other browsers.

For people who use browsers other than IE or Netscape before saying something doesn't work realize 95% (+) of the interent population use the above 2 browsers (right or wrong thats the way it is, accept it until things change). If you choose to use some funky browser that is not supported don't go all bannanas because someone hasn't accomodated your choice and they chose to cater to the 95 +% of the surfing population.
I was using AOL. Maybe that's why. I didn't mention it because it caused ME an inconvenience. I seriously doubt I'm going to buy something from the UK where I get raped on the currency exchange, when I can get the same exact item or a comparable item from an American or Canadian supplier.

As for a name..... Still waiting.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:54 pm
Richard H wrote:
Jose Rossy, your case would be greately aided if we knew your name.

Also, a suggestion. Your website needs to allow on-line purchasing. Having a website just to look at pictures, then to have to ring or e-mail one's order in is sooooo yesterday.
I don't know what you're looking at but I can purchase from his web site. you using one of those other browsers.

For people who use browsers other than IE or Netscape before saying something doesn't work realize 95% (+) of the interent population use the above 2 browsers (right or wrong thats the way it is, accept it until things change). If you choose to use some funky browser that is not supported don't go all bannanas because someone hasn't accomodated your choice and they chose to cater to the 95 +% of the surfing population.
First sensible thing said today! Joking aside my name is Ryan, FULL contact details to follow on the website, which is being updated as we speak to cater for all you non-IE guys!! And as the previous poster said, online ordering is available right now, if you use IE, the browser in widest use on the web!!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:58 pm
RobStubbs wrote:Perhaps this is a good reason why some forums have an advertisers forum. Keeps the ordinary posts clean of blatant advertising whilst there is somewhere for the advsertisers to post their wares. I don't have any problem with dealers participating in ordinary threads but IMHO this steps over the line (especially when someone else is sponsoring the very forum you're advertising on).

Rob, you need to look at the beginning of this thread, I didn't start the thread, I simply responded to it.

I was glad to see someone recommended my site, why wouldn't I be, but it wasn't me.

I was not and am not trying any advertising of any nature. If my username is causing offence by having my web address in it I'm sure a mod can alter it, which I will not mind at all.

Lets try and get the facts right here guys.