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Side Flaps.....

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:00 am
by dhiru
Hey All,

Its Dhirender here, I just wanted to find out if the side flaps can be used in rifle shooting and if so, what is the mesurements. Also, can they be used only on spectacles, or can they only be used on caps or cann they be used on the rear sight or either of the 3?



As much as I know

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:19 pm
by snapy050
hey dhiru!

As much as I know, I used one of those Anschutez caps that comes with side flaps at Mavlankar shooting championship in 2003. There wewre quite a few people who used those kinds... But to my surprise it suddenly vanished.. that time there was no regulation on blinders either.. I then herd that the new ISSf rule does not allow us to use any side flaps and they have also brought the blinder size regulation into act. I dont know how far thats true but sure those side flaps benifit in a big way.

1. you are able to look at your target rather than see that lucky dog beside you getting the latest walther lg alutec hehe..

2. The excess light is also cut off and so your world only consists of backsight, foresight iris, target.

So it really was a big deal then if you forgot to bring it to the competition match.. because it WAS such vital.

Though I suggest we could go for those shoting caps made of foam (the round ones which gagan,anjali,suma uses).. It looks pretty helpful to me.. sure I will be getting one of them soon.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:21 pm
by PerfectScore
The reason you have seen those shooting hats with the side flaps starting to disapear is not because of any rule change but because it has been proven that they cause you to have tunnel vision that effects your balance for the negative, and you can have a blinder on your rifle sight and on your glasses but the width is set in the different rule books, hope that helps

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:32 pm
by Martin H
ISSF rules for hat flaps are now 40mm deep only. Flaps attached to glasses are also only 40mm deep. Blinder attached to rifle is allowed to be 30mm high by 100mm wide (only on non aiming eye).

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:21 pm
by Bill Poole
is this legal? do these blinders meet the rules?


found it on the Croatia site pics of the world champs


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:06 am
by Juan Carlos*
I think it is not legal: ... 5_2nd.html

Art y

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:32 pm
by dhiru
Thanks Bill for the picture, this is exactly what i was asking.... and its posted that its not legal..... then what is.... a picture will be the best way to clarify my doubt...


Why is it not legal?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:24 pm
by Marcus

I know what the rules say, but the problem is where is it measured from?

The picture was taken at the finals of women's 10 meter air rifle at the World Shooting Championships. If they were not legal the jury would (we hope) have declared them not legal and made Katerina change them.

They do not extend too far forward. they could be too deep but the rule does not say where they are to be measured from.

Edit: I believe they ARE legal.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:51 am
by Juan Carlos*
The rules are clear: Side hat flaps and flaps attached to glasses are now 40mm deep only.
It is obvious that the first one in the pic are deeper than 4 cm.
If the rule does not say where they are to be measured from common sense says it is the maximun deep.
That is not the only case jury do not applies the rules:How about the 30ยบ left arm in prone position?
It is my opinion

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:59 am
by RobStubbs
I agree the pictures look illegal and I don't think the rules are ambiguous in the ISSF rulebook. You do need to remember though that the shooter is setting herself up. It's quite possible that she subsequently adjusted the blinders so that they were legal before she shot.



Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:33 am
by Marcus
A blinder may be attached to the rifle or to the rear sight. The blinder must not be more than 30 mm deep (A) nor extend further than 100 mm from the center (B) of the rear sight aperture on the side of the non aiming eye. A blinder must not be used on the side of the aiming eye.
Side Blinders (either or both sides) attached to the hat, cap, shooting glasses, or to a head band, not exceeding 40 mm deep (A) are permitted. These blinders must not extend further forward than to a line from the center of the forehead (see also
A piece to cover the non aiming eye not larger than 30 mm wide (B) is permitted.

These blinders are not attached to either the hat or glasses or headband. They are slid under a head band. So my question stands. Where are you measuring them from?

I am not trying to argue just for arguments sake. I think it is unclear.

The reason the rule was implemented in the first place was to allow TV a better view of the shooters face in the finals at ISSF championships to add the human emotional element to the production of the finals. etc.

I think we agree that they do not extend beyond the forward edge of the forehead so it is just a question of how far below the eye they extend.

If the rule also stated that the side flap not attached to the hat or glasses or headband could not extend (just for example) 30 mm below the corner of the eye or some other easily determined physical point, then we have a definition that could be enforced. But the rule does not say that.

There is nothing in the rules that I have found prohibiting the use of all 4 types of blinders (2 side, one in front of the eye and one on the rifle); And there apprently is nothing that prohibits using a hat with side flaps of 40mm AND eyeglasses with a 40mm deep blinder. Essentially a 70 to 80 mm side blinder! (Depending on overlap of the two flaps.)

If we assume that the blinder in front of Katerina's left eye IS 30mm then the depth of the blinder below her aiming eye isn't much more than that.

Again, it depends on where you measure it from.
My advice is to not sweat the small stuff.
It is another example of rule makers running amok!
Best wishes to all for good shooting!

Re: OK...

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:10 am
by David Levene
Marcus wrote:These blinders are not attached to either the hat or glasses or headband. They are slid under a head band.
I'm sorry Marcus but that is like saying that a blinder hung over the side arm of a set of shooting glasses is not attached to it.

I'd love to hear the laughter from the Jury if you tried that one.

You measure from the underside of the head band.

Whether you measure vertically (in the normal shooting position) or at right angles to the headband is another matter. I personally believe it to be the former, based on the assumption that if it was meant to be anything other than vertical (as indicated by the dimension arrow in the rules) they would have clarified it.