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Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:26 pm
by Richard Newman
I was looking at the Airguninfo site after reading Bill177's post. I ran across the National Association of Shooting Sports Athletes (NASSA) under competitions. When I looked at their site, no data more recent than March 2005 was present. Does this mean the group is defunct? or lacks a webmaster? or ??


Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:01 pm
by Richard Newman
I posted this almost two months ago as you can see from the date. No one has ever answered. Does any one know anything about this group? Is it worth knowing anything about this group? Am I hallucinating due to too much time in front of a computer screen at work and at home???
Richard Newman


Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:25 pm
by FredMannis
Richard Newman wrote:I posted this almost two months ago as you can see from the date. No one has ever answered. Does any one know anything about this group? Is it worth knowing anything about this group? Am I hallucinating due to too much time in front of a computer screen at work and at home???
Richard Newman
If you do a search on 'NASSA' you'll find some discussion about two years ago. Looks like they are defunct.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:00 am
by Bill Poole
was NASSA every a "they" or was it just a "he"?

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:43 am
by Steve Swartz
Not defunct.

And not a strictly "one man show" either but a "fingers on one hand" show so to speak.

Headed up by a small group of people at the Dallas Pistol Club with some members from other countries besides Texas.

Problems with web site, web masters, all volunteers, etc. Typical small volunteer not-for-profit woes.

NASSA supports a small group of juniors, a quarterly PTO, etc.

Just shot the PTO last month- about 10 adults and 10 juniors. Oddly, more junior pistol than rifle . . . also, NASSA has a little bit more of a balanced association with NRA *and* USAS.

Contact me at if you want more info.

Steve Swartz

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:11 pm
by Richard Newman
Thanks Steve,
You pretty well answered my question. Evidently either there isn't enough interest in an organization such as this for it to grow, or the members aren't looking to enlarge their membership and organization. I wonder if there is need for such an organization? What do you all think??
Richard Newman


Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
by Lanning R. Hochhauser
I joined NASSA when I first became serious about Air Pistol. I purchased a Tau-7 and started to practice. The monthly match format with pre-printed stickers prevented score inflation and it permitted you to see how well you were doing relative to the other participants.

The initial feedback I received was very helpful.

I would have maintained my membership if they have been able to sustain the monthly matches but the matches and the newsletter became a now and then event.

It still remains a good idea.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:09 pm
Nassa is an active program bur you should contact Coach Wong directly. He does tremendous work but has had some health issues of late. Look up his email on the NASSA website. He would love to hear from you.