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ISSF pistol targets?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:27 pm
by IPshooter
Does the ISSF make available downloads of their targets at a print quality level? If so, where might I find them? I don't see them on the ISSF site. If not, does anyone know of a source for the target images? I'm looking specifically for the 25m/50m precision target and the 25m rapid fire target, complete with scoring rings, etc. And, I need them at a print quality level (300 dpi or higher).

As an aside, does the ISSF collect royalties from all of their targets sold by the various companies?



Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:40 pm
by Fred Mannis
I use the Pellant software to make my targets. I have attached the PDF file of the B35 target and you can decide if it meets your quality requirements.


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:27 pm
by Steve Swartz

I am unfamiliar with the "Pellant Software." Will it print reduced-size targets (doing the proper calculation for caliber/ring diameter)?

Steve Swartz

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:43 pm
by David Levene
Steve Swartz wrote:I am unfamiliar with the "Pellant Software." Will it print reduced-size targets (doing the proper calculation for caliber/ring diameter)?
When I last tried it a few months ago to get a 5m Air Pistol target the result had all of the 6 ring in the white. It was obviously only therefore doing one calculation although whether that was the one including the calibre allowance or not I cannot remember.

In case anyone doesn't know, and it has been covered on this board several times, to calculate the ring size on a reduced distance target you need to allow for the pellet diameter: to calculate the size of the black you do not. A correctly reduced AP target will therefore have part of the 6 ring in the black. This is demonstrated by Shin's 5m Target.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:07 pm
by Fred Mannis
Hello Steve,
I have attached two screen shots of the software, including the "About", which tells you how to get a copy. Basically, you simply enter the scoring ring diameters and which which rings you want black. Not sure whether it meets ISSF specifications, but is great for odd size targets e.g. 6m AP or for ones I don't need a lot of e.g. B35.
These are JPEG files and will look best if opened in MS Paint of a similar program.


Pellant Software

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:43 am
by Matt
To whom may help me;

I have attempted (several times) to download the Pellant software (to print targets) and I keep coming up with failure. There is some gobble-dee-gook reistering the software 'thingy' that I cannot get past. I receive a 'e-mail notification error' after I send the registration.

Can someone help guide me through the process of obtaining the target printing software?


Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:52 pm
by pcomm
I use TargetExpress. Excellent software, good scaling function, design your own, includes all ISSF, NRA, etc..., can't live without it!

Check it out at

Thanks pcomm

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:24 pm
by Matt
Thanks pcomm. I have downloaded it and have already printed off what I need.


Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:30 pm
by Benjamin
One problem with printing your own target, especially for air pistol, is that nearly all paper has fibers that make it tear instead of punching clean holes. If you shoot pointed pellets, the tear will start at the point, so you can easily see where the center of the pellet hit the paper.

I use only Edelmann AP targets, especially for practice, because they are less expensive than others. The price per target is a little higher, but I get more than twice as many shots on target before I have trouble scoring it, so the price per shot is lower.