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AP recoil system Walther LP300 vs Steyr LP10

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:06 am
by Brian James
The Steyr LP-10’s recoil system is quite well know, what I’m curious to know is how does the Walther’s LP300 AP recoil system compare to it? According to the Gahmann catalogue I have the new Walther has recoil system. The link below will to you to the Gehmann website, were it mentions the Walther recoil system

Do any other manufactures produce a recoil compensation system that is similar to the Steyr’s?



Recoil systems

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:09 pm
by Nano

The air pistol FWB also has a system of absorption that they call " absorver " that is a system that avoids the recoil.
Feinwerkbau has this system from the modell p34 and also in the modern air gun p40.
the effectiveness of these systems has been discussed largely in this forum, from my point of view, these systems collaborate in something, but they are not definitively something that marks an enormous difference.
It is necessary to remember that the world record (593) in air pistol was made in 1989 with a FWB model2 co2, without any recoil system.
(how many points have made Pizianov with the lates pistols? I don know)
