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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:01 pm
by Sandy
The 2006 California State Pistol Junior Olympics is scheduled for December 4, 2005 at Prado Olympic Shooting Park. It will be held at the same time as the Black Mountain Shooting Club monthly match.
Contact me as soon as possible for the schedule and for the required entry forms if you are planning to compete.
R.J. Santibanez
P.O. Box 720212
San Diego, CA 92172-0212
(858) 484-7624
I will leave for the Championship of the Americas in Puerto Rico on October 29th and will return November 13th. To asure that everything is done in a timely manner for the JO's, I recommend that you contact me prior to my departure to the CAT Games since I will not be available until my return.